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Yay me!!!!

Science-guy 8 Feb 12
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If you follow some footprints in the snow and the footprints turn into buttprints, there might be some ice under the snow!

I caught myself! Having said that, I was driving yesterday and saw a man older than me, fallen down on a patch of ice and was struggling. Good timing to have seen him. A light dusting of snow had hidden a rather large patch of ice.


covers up the 10cms of ice underneath


I would take my -25C weather over 25 cm of snow.

graceylou Level 8 Feb 12, 2019

Me too!

I love snow and hate the cold.

@bubaj50 I would rather have cold than snow.

we have over 40 CMs on the ground here in lower mid van isle. but it'll start melting in a few days.
1 winter in edmonton when i was 17 was enough more me.

@callmedubious I grew up on the coast. We got 2 feet of snow once in one go. But the snow melted soon and disappeared in few days. Totally unlike how it is here. My parents on the coast can’t even imagine how I can survive -20s or worse.

@graceylou ,
you gotta be tough.
i was last there about 15 yrs in the summer. the weather was very nice.
i never got into winter sports so nothing much for me to do all winter.
except here i'm usually golfing at this time. my buddies golfed quite often here in jan while i was in AZ.

@callmedubious I have lived in Alberta over 20 years so I'm pretty used to this. Doesn't mean I have to like it. It's tough on my horses when it stays this cold for so long. But they too are used to it and can withstand even -40.


Seen at a Tim Horton's today in Vancouver.


It's like bringing coals to Newcastle.

brentan Level 8 Feb 12, 2019

I would rather have 25 cm of cannabis.

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 12, 2019

Wow. That’s high! ?

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