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Iā€™m feeling a little nostalgic. Canada vignettes: The log drivers waltz came to mind.

LB67 7 Feb 24
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That was a classic when I was growing up.

Peter17 Level 3 Mar 4, 2019

My father used to be a log driver. In quebecer slang, they called themselves "draveurs".

Now I am wondering if he was a good dancer...or this was just another stereotype. I would think being coordinated would be a must!


Thanks for sharing memories of my Dad šŸ™‚


Another Canadian Classic based on a Stephen Leacock story.

Surfpirate Level 9 Feb 24, 2019

I have never seen that one. Fun times with social anxiety. Poor fella.

@LB67 A childhood friend would often have these films running at his birthday parties, his dad would borrow them from the library and we would watch them on his Super 8 movie projector. The Cat Came Back is another favourite.

@Surfpirate I loved the cat came back! That sounds like a fabulous thing to do at parties. Super 8ā€™s those are also a blast from the to watch. We only have a little recording from one day my dad rented a camera when I was @3. My uncle had tons of family super 8 films.

@LB67 We used to have a whole box full of Super 8 movies but my baby brother destroyed them all when he had a psychotic episode and was fearful that the images would be used to steal his soul. The joys of having a schizophrenic sibling but he is in his 50's now and still alive and kicking so doing better than most with that disease.

@Surfpirate wow, I am sorry you lost all of your archive. I canā€™t imagine how hard it must have been to watch your brother change as schizophrenia took over his life. My friend had a schizophrenic mother, with whom he reconnected to form a relationship during the last few years of her life. She had been coping fairly well for many years, from what we could see.

@LB67 53 years seems to be the life expectancy, suicide is often the cause. My brother lost his partner, who also had mental health issues, to death by self inflicted gun wound to the head. I am monitoring him as best I can but he had a bad episode after we got him out of that situation, he threatened to kill my wife and myself so I had to insist on some distance between us.

@Surfpirate wow. I had no idea on life expectancy. My friendā€™s mom died of cancer and I donā€™t recall any violence with her. I do know that the delusions can make them very dangerous and a real threat. It is sad but necessary to stay safe. My friend lived in fear of developing it himself, until he was past the age that onset usually occurs. Fortunately no one else in the family has developed it.

@LB67 NAMI runs courses that are very informative and helpful for people who have friends or family suffering from mental health issues. It can be challenging to try and deal with these issues on your own, so much of what is on the internet is crap.


Never gets old. Brilliant!

snikkers Level 5 Feb 24, 2019

The National Film Boards animation collection is a buried treasure. Dig it up!!

Davekp Level 8 Feb 24, 2019

Oops, just saw this was already posted. Clearly a Canadian classic. Sorry for the repetition.

LB67 Level 7 Feb 24, 2019

no need to apologize - its a great tune. always brings a smile to my face

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