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2001 Dodge Viper GTS I have had it since I purchased it new . Corsa exhaust, forgeline rims. Many custom made parts made by me in my home garage

richiegtt 8 May 21
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Wow! Do you drag or track it?

EVgeorge Level 5 May 22, 2018

No it is just a stock engine with minor upgrades such as exhaust system,plug wires ,air intake ,etc


So cool. Vipers are so nasty radical, and the one complaint I've ever had about them... from the spectator side of course, is stock they sound a bit icky droan-ish... and you've changed the exhaust out to something cool! Awesome ride.

Oh! At Baytown dragstrip my supercharged Miata beat a SRT10 truck!!!
He missed third gear, but a win is a win!!! Ha!


Very nice!

Suffolkian Level 5 May 21, 2018

That's a beauty! I was sad to see the Viper discontinued.

Secretguy Level 7 May 21, 2018

I was sad also , but there is talk about a new Viper in the works .Unfortunately it will not be a V10



Michaeld2e Level 5 May 21, 2018
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