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It's a drag...

UrsiMajor 8 May 17
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I know. Even in our village, the parish council funded a security fence around the school, but it is nothing like high enough, I still think the little monsters can climb out.

Fernapple Level 9 May 18, 2021

I'd worry that they'd be confused. They probably don't have the life experience to perceive that women are being mocked, so that part might be OK...

racocn8 Level 9 May 17, 2021

Women are Not "being mocked" by drag queens, not at all...they are expressing to the Nth power what society thinks women should be/act/look liIn! (at all curlers or robes, ever!).
I find them fascinating, and greatly admire the amount of time & hard work they put in!

@AnneWimsey How is the over-the-top exaggeration of how women dress not mocking them?

@racocn8 no, again, it's taking to the ultimate degree what rich society (men) would prefer women be like 100% of the time!
It is mocking societal expectations Plus having a good time! Using old-fashioned virtues like hard work, imagination, inventiveness, creativity. Very,very,very few women ever dress like a drag queen does, right?

@AnneWimsey I agree that women rarely dress like drag queens. When they do, it's likely been for some dress-up musical number. And I am willing to suspend judgement that drag queens are consciously mocking women. I would point out that when people engage in caricature and exaggeration, that process is often interpreted as derisive and mocking of its subject. I only suspend judgement because it is unclear to me why transvestites would seek to mock women. (Not to say it isn't happening, just saying the motive is not apparent). I don't agree that men would like their women to be like that more than 5% of the time, certainly nothing like 100%.

@racocn8 watch some Kardashians, Housewives of There is some mocking of real women! Buncha women grooming, dressing, spending their entire time (including plenty of plastic surgery!l so they can still qualify as Trophy Wives....otherwise, out! & on to the next.....

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