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When being selfish is better than being selfless...

MacStriker 7 Jan 5
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New word for me proselytizing, To attempt to persuade someone to join one's own political party or to espouse one's doctrine.

I find it alot in centroism, in disguised as volunteerism in Politics and Religion. Non profit and donations can make good profits. Like Government Canada services that created nearly tripling our taxes and 30 times increased housing costs since 1970. Who are truely our God and they boss us around everyday. I'm better off governing and privatizing more myself, self serve first. Than the fake greater good. The rich do it, just not too much or its corperationism. Where often it's not fair free trade. Where cooperation capitism is sharing and healthier.


Interesting topic, is one being selfish or self serve. One example is my mother grew up in the depression. She notice many homeless begging today and she said we were too proud to ask for handouts. She criticized me for being selfish because my life was like a Rockstar for decades, although didn’t harm anyone. One consideration came about, I became being Jesus like by changing sculptures to tiny houses and urban farming gardens for practical and humanity purposes. Not just a toy for the rich anymore. Nobody has proven to me, a better way to help the poor, sick and the natural environment. The concept of Jesus is alright, it just some of the Christian hypocrisy, I don't like.

the selfish/selfless is more tongue in cheek than hypocritical behaviours. Case in point, when Atheists rallied to help earthquake relief funds, with nothing to ask for in return, where as how missionaries hand out food and supplies with the understanding the people in need MUST convert via proselytizing. THAT is truly selfish.


I can’t agree more. I never expected gratitude from them as children but some minimum amount of respect when teenagers and then some gratitude as adults for things I didn’t have to do for them. I care less and less as I get older and my therapist helps me realize they got more of their monster of a father’s genes than mine.

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