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As a man living in the Midwest who is childfree and not at all family or kid-oriented, unlike the vast majority of my local dating pool on Match, I am wondering how many of you live in the Midwest or, like me, experience constant rejection in the dating game for not having kids or being family or kid oriented? Would like to hear what your experiences are or have been. I have heard also, that on either coast, women tend to not be as kid and family-oriented as they are here in the Midwest, so I am also interested in hearing your thoughts or experiences on whether that difference is true. Let me be clear that I am interested in hearing from both men and women on this issue of singles who see having kids as a dealbreaker where they refuse to date men or women who are childfree.....

TomMcGiverin 8 Nov 28
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Women perceive as "unreliable" those men who don't care for kids.........and men perceive women who don't like kids as prostitutes.
BTW, I was asked -more than once- if I was defective hence no wanting kids. The ignorance on the subject goes beyond everything.

duchessa1 Level 7 Dec 18, 2021

People on the West Coast are more likely to choose to be childfree in my experience. The fact that I didn't want kids or an instant family was a bit of a dating issue up to my early 40s. Now it is a huge plus that I'm childfree as most women around my age are (almost) empty nesters or childfree.

People are increasingly choosing to be childfree for all sorts of reasons. See

Unfortunately for me, these Midwest women are still obsessed with their kids and family even in to their sixties, which makes no sense to me, but I continue to pay for being childfree in the dating game, same as when I was a young man, and back then nobody wanted to marry me or date me seriously or long term, because I was not into kids.

They day I met my husband to be I worked my way around to find out if he had / wanted children if he had said "yes" I would have gone to the ladies ' room and never returned to his side.

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Posted by MacStrikerWhen being selfish is better than being selfless...

Posted by MacStriker"Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart."

Posted by MacStrikerWhen people with kids say "they are an investment!" (as if it's a positive thing), this is what comes to mind...

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Posted by MacStriker"... it's a peaceful life..."

Posted by JGalA little late but still applies every day.

Posted by MacStrikerAll the crotch goblins giving a breather to their breeders for most of the day. SerenityNow!

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Posted by KojaksmomIt might work!

Posted by UrsiMajorYou're welcome

Posted by MacStrikerThe struggle is real

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