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So...a question about the search function...

i saw that there is a beta "detail search" function, but in looking through it, i see almost every profile question there EXCEPT parental status. am i missing it? this seems a pretty basic dealbreaker for some, to not have included it.

outlier8 5 Aug 29
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I'm not sure I understand your question exactly, but on our profiles, there's a question about having or not wanting to have kids. I guess I've never searched for anyone (yet), so I don't know about that function not even being an option.

@outlier8 OOohhhhhh, I see what you mean now. Yeah, oddly I guess, I've never searched for people. It is weird that it's not a parameter.


Maybe they will add it in the near future. That would be helpful in choosing a special someone.

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 30, 2018

It is a deal breaker for me as well. Older kids not so much...but I don't want to 'raze' any human kids.

MissaDixon Level 7 Aug 29, 2018

For me, it's just so complicated. I don't think it's a deal breaker for me- as long as I don't have to breed or adopt them. If he has kids and pays and takes care of them himself- I'm ok with that. It just opens so many levels of complexity.. It's like something you have to work out after getting to know them.

UrsiMajor Level 8 Aug 29, 2018
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