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Not so long ago I met a group of people at a gathering. At some point a woman said to me, "tell me about your children?" I responded, "this will be quick, I have no kids." Her response to me really was unreal. "How could anyone consider their life worthy without having children. The thought of not having children would depress me and make life feel worthless." I didn't know this lady, and immediately I knew I had no desire to know her. The most incredible statement ever spoken too me.

StRomain 5 July 22
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How savagely selfish of her.

Bakunin Level 7 Oct 30, 2019

My response to comments like this is usually something along the lines of, "Well, I find value in who I am as a person has nothing to do with whether I have children or not, or whether I'm partnered or not. I'm quite happy with who I am and how my life is going without children (and/or without a partner, in case the person has chosen to comment on how horrible it is that I'm single). I enjoy my time to myself and can do so many other things with my life that don't require children." That usually shuts them up, or at least gives them a second's pause. Sometimes they come back with more blather, "you're being selfish" or other b.s. I usually take that as a sign that this is a person who isn't completely happy with his or her choices in life and sometimes has regrets about having children. I leave them to stew with their own thoughts on those issues, usually with a parting comment along the lines of, "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm quite happy with my life. Enjoy your children," and then make a swift exit.


While I have numerous reasons for never wanting children, my biggest reason is that there would be a 50/50 chance that they would turn out like my younger sister.

Wrytyr Level 7 July 22, 2019

Damn it, no one ever says that to me. I wish someone would.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 22, 2019

I just watched a movie where the lead character told her boyfriend that wanting to reproduce was a sign of narcissism. Loved that line.


Of course . How dare u not reproducing . Selfish selfish selfish 😂😂😂✌🏻
I laugh at them . It's really nothing else to say to these people . Just laugh 😂😂😂

Pralina1 Level 9 July 22, 2019

I'd love to be shocked by this, but sadly, I am not.

PadraicM Level 7 July 22, 2019

just be thankful she didn't get to the sky daddy shit

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