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MoonTigerII 7 July 28
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That ain't gonna happen. At one time most every adult you know was that kid. I would feel safe in saying most grew up to be adults you don't like or would not want to hang out with. The human race is what it is. If it survives long enough it may evolve into something better, but that could take thousands of years or more. Maybe if the results of climate change wreak havoc on humanity a different mindset could come about.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 28, 2019

I think you are right but hope you and I are wrong. Did you invest 8 minutes in that trailer? Hope so. I HATE people commenting when they don't address the SPECIFIC topic at hand. Every post is different... respect each post. Sooo many assholes commenting just for the points, but I know that ain't you, my man Sticks. The World Peace Game should be taught in every school on the fucking planet.

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Posted by UrsiMajorYou're welcome

Posted by MacStrikerThe struggle is real

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