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Which response is your favorite? I like : "Not everyone with a womb has to have a child in the same way that not everyone with vocal cords needs to be an opera singer."


UrsiMajor 8 Aug 13
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If the training required to have a child were a fraction of the training required to become an opera singer, ....

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 18, 2019

My problem now is being widowed and trying to date in a local area where the mainstream culture is all about family and kids, even at my age, so even the childless women seem to only want to date family men. Maybe they are trying to hedge their bets for not having kids by dating a guy with kids so they can be adopted by his family if they are widowed and lonely later, then his family will look after them and keep them company. No less selfish than the argument below about having kids so they will take care of the parent in their old age.


I can't be the only one that wants to answer,"F&ck off, it's a personal choice". The insinuation that there is something wrong with me because of that choice truly annoys me.

MizJ Level 8 Aug 13, 2019

I let people know that I ovulate sand. That shuts them down.


I've been asked this question. I say don't got em don't want em. I was also told that I should have kids so they can take care of me when I am old. I shot back that was the worst reason ever.

JGal Level 7 Aug 13, 2019

Yes, someone once said to me that they wondered if they should have kids in case they get lonely when they’re older? I told them that if they’re lonely they should join a club.

@girlwithsmiles or buy a pet 🤔

@girlwithsmiles Join a club? Ho, ho, ho.
Fifty seven years ago after getting out of the Navy I joined a college club to find a girlfriend. I found one and as the year neared its end the members elected me president and my girlfriend vice president, ...because they wanted to keep us together.
As president I got hooked on all the attention the other members gave me. The year ended, my gf and I went off to different universities, I learned how to delegate work, presiding became fun, and I’ve been joining clubs and often presiding or vice presiding ever since. I became a parliamentarian and I now advise club presidents. I’m grinning as I write this.
PS. A marriage and, by agreement, no children.


I like, ‘it’s no one’s business’, but tell people one or two of the many reasons I have usually if asked.


Your's is the best one, and so true. I have never had one moment of regret not having children.

Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 13, 2019
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