7 11

“I never felt that pull of motherhood.” tends to be my answer when asked why I never had kids. It’s not that it’s anyone’s business but our cultural norms somehow make this an okay question to ask. 🙄
So that’s my go-to line if the convo’s serious.
But if I want to be funny or want you to go away: “Well, I keep having them but the state keeps taking them away!!”

ZenStar 5 Nov 11
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that seems like a fine answer. The world actually has plenty of people.


Never understood what was wrong with asking why and then they reply something about it being a natural thing in life. Here is where I don't get how I ruffle the feathers with my reply: dying is also a natural part of life, so when do you plan to drop dead?
People seem to take offense at that for some odd reason. I thought we were talking about what constituted natural phases of life and why people weren't participating in them fully.

PadraicM Level 7 Nov 12, 2019

The question SHOULD be put to breeders.....: " Did you really know all the medical risks of pregnancy and imperfections of fetal growth....knowing all that you chose the days of fertility with the full informed consent of the male inseminating you ? " Asking childless women why is like asking when women ovulate and menstruate or asking guys : " do you jack off or are you a breeder ?


The fact that I chose to not add to the overpopulation of Earth should be a positive. When people imply that there must be something wrong with me because of my choice it annoys the sh&t out of me. It's interesting that the question only comes from those with spawn.

MizJ Level 8 Nov 11, 2019

I get people implying that I’m losing out and seeming to feel sorry for me generally.
But even as a teen I realised there were kids that needed caring for, and so if I wanted to look after a child that would be a better option than creating a new one. It made sense to me then, and still does.

@girlwithsmiles I agree, if we choose we can be one of those in the village of, "it takes a village to raise a child'.

I get that too. “Oh, you’ll regret it!” I was told.
Yeah, I’m still waiting for that regret to hit....


I've taken to using the phrase, 'That's just not in the cards for us' when asked. I figure it leaves the answer just open enough that it would take a truly oblivious or rude person to push further.

synergy Level 6 Nov 11, 2019

That’s a good one, I like it. I’m too old to have them now anyway by most people’s standards; but sometimes people don’t realise, I’ll use that if I ever get asked again.


I never had any desire to have children and didn't. It is more fun being the crazy uncle and not nearly as expensive. 🙂

Sticks48 Level 9 Nov 11, 2019


I am the cool aunt 😊

@Heidi68 I will bet you are.

I love being an auntie!

Although, one of my friends once said to me, "For someone who didn't have children... you sure have a lot of kids!"

Our house was/is a refuge for wayward youth/young adults... Many who have adopted me and my late husband as their parents.

A family is a circle of people who love you. Period. And shame on those breeders who dis-own their children for not being their little mini-me's.


When I am asked I will respond "none that I know of"

Sort of difficult for the ladies to run with.

moosepucky Level 7 Nov 11, 2019

I've said that before. No one knows how to respond. Its hilarious.

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