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"More women are choosing not to have kids, and society can't cope"
I thought this was a pretty good article.

bleurowz 8 Nov 12
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Sad to see that it happens even in Oz.

PadraicM Level 7 Nov 14, 2019

That should slow down the over population problem that this planet is having. I'm 42 and so grateful I don't have any children.

freedom41 Level 9 Nov 12, 2019

Society can have their own kids lol and I'll have mine 😋😊

Of course. Just one question: why are you in this group? Your biggest dream was being a mom, and you also want more children. Why would you want to be in a group with people who don't have or don't want kids?

@bleurowz I like to hear the perspectives of different people on different topics

@Cutiebeauty Well then perhaps I should join a group for parents of young children. Although, it would probably be a waste of time because I couldn't relate to it no matter how hard I tried. Even though I know people with kids, I would just be a fly on the wall.

@bleurowz nothing wrong with being a fly on the wall... I'm in the baby boomers and 50+ groups also... I learn much there and I ask questions occasionally...

@Cutiebeauty Noted. Even though you're learning stuff and putting away the knowledge, when you actually reach and experience middle age it's nothing like you imagine or expect. Little is with anything until you actually experience it.

@bleurowz oh no, you misunderstood... Those groups don't talk about aging... They reminisce about the old days, history, products and toys they grew up with, movie stars back then, and music, etc, etc.. It's so fun and interesting group...

@Cutiebeauty Oh, I know, and I'm a member, too. I stand by what I said though. You won't know what it's like until you find yourself doing it.

@bleurowz oh OK 😊

@Cutiebeauty The same way I would never understand what it's like to be a parent... Despite how much I would listen to others talking about it.

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Posted by MacStrikerWhen being selfish is better than being selfless...

Posted by MacStriker"Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart."

Posted by MacStrikerWhen people with kids say "they are an investment!" (as if it's a positive thing), this is what comes to mind...

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Posted by KojaksmomIt might work!

Posted by UrsiMajorYou're welcome

Posted by MacStrikerThe struggle is real

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