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Well, it appears as though the originator of this group has abandoned it. So, as the senior member of the group, it landed in my lap. I thought I should at least say hello to you all. We haven't been active here but, I welcome any topics you all have to offer.


Duke 8 May 31
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Enjoy being online again!

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That's kind of like the mafia showing up to collect a debt from your fourth cousin because everybody else in line has died, isn't it?

webbew1 Level 7 May 31, 2018

Don't know that I ever got any notifications from this group, so wondering why it even exists?

I don't know but was really hoping to meet someone people while I was visiting there


Did he get rid of his account? I'm also an admin of the group, lol.

Mea Level 7 May 31, 2018

I don't really know. I just got a message from admin that said he's no longer a member of the group and since I am the senior member in the group, ownership fell to me.

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Posted by Eagle61My sis had some open-heart surgery; will be discharged next month with rehab!

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