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I am a lifelong, unapologetic atheist in the final stage of my life. I have done and continue to do what I can to bring atheism out of the closet in the hope that the next generation of atheists will suffer less discrimination.

I oppose all things conservative, again unapologetic. People who fear that with which they are unfamiliar need to accept that we are all equally deserving regardless of who, what, where, when and how we were born. The issue is inclusion vs. exclusion and conservatives have always been and will always be on the wrong side of history.

Full Bio


A friend of mine was in touch by phone this morning.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Thanks for sharing. I'm glad he is doing okay now. May all future cases be as mild.
Fact checkers lie and get sued and forced to make a public retraction. []
LovinLarge comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Just seen on a dating site: Entelligent single gal next door sense of humor.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 29, 2020:
More like a trap! Are you going take the bait or are you too entelligent?
So is it possible for a 21 year old person straight out of university who is telling a 50 year old ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 28, 2020:
That is a puzzler. What about a compromise?
Downfall. Bunker Boy starts his run for the big house.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 28, 2020:
I did not know he was so accomplished on the accordion!
What number are you today?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Love those guys! I'm really feeling #6 today, thanks for asking.
Jordan Peterson Question
LovinLarge comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Just another discredited Christian.
Klingenschmitt: Under Biden, There Will Be an “Atheist Army for the Antichrist” | Hemant Mehta ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Sign me up!
Chocolate chip cookies.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Just one? You are my hero! They look really good. I love ccc so much that sometimes I can smell them even when there aren't any!
Probably the best ever JP video! []
LovinLarge comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Can't stand that fraud.
Why can't we all just be decent to each other? []
LovinLarge comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Because police have too much power and people seeking to abuse power are drawn to the job for that reason. Defund the police, more extensive training including racial and mental health sensitivity training and mandatory bodycams at all times.
Our little Afghan Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!
LovinLarge comments on Nov 26, 2020:
That looks very nice snd very tasty. Seasoned turkey with potatoes and corn on the cob and a rice dish. Fill in the blanks please.
I waited to see if anyone would remember what the 22 of November!!! Seems no one else did!!! ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 25, 2020:
I don't want to remember that.
So I’m at the hospital and they start praying over the intercom.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 24, 2020:
How about an anonymous complaint?
Deconverting from marxism []
LovinLarge comments on Nov 23, 2020:
"Questionable source."
I would like to have health insurance even if I decide to stop working before I am eligible for ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 23, 2020:
We need to push Joe toward Medicare for All.
It has never been a better time for us to remember why the United States Constitution, and ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Congratulations on a most deceptive post! Referencing government tyranny without specifying what current government action or inaction you are referring to (i.e. masking v. the attempt to topple democracy) allows you to appear to appeal to both sides. Have you ever considered just being honest and seeing if that works?
As usual, I am very proud of myself.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Many thanks to the vast majority of you for your support. Even just a "like" meant a lot to me. Please know that I am here to support you in the events of your life, also. Please never be afraid to ask. I sincerely believe that we are all in this together.
Trump Supporters in Georgia Threaten to Destroy GOP, Boycott Runoff Elections
LovinLarge comments on Nov 21, 2020:
I absolutely live for conservative infighting. Ranks right up there with religious infighting.
Religion is at its best when....
LovinLarge comments on Nov 21, 2020:
I'm sorry, I forgot to thank you for posting this. I am always interested in the thoughts of accomplished people like this. And but for you, I would still not know who he was. Thank you for sharing this.
Religion is at its best when....
LovinLarge comments on Nov 21, 2020:
I did not know who he was, but he was very accomplished I found out. But I don't think religion makes us ask hard questions about ourselves or anything else, hence the reliance on faith.
Maybe its time to Jimmy Hoffa trump and moscow mitch. Lol
LovinLarge comments on Nov 21, 2020:
The only reason they haven't been assassinated is because all the kooks are on their side!
Can Republicans get any more stupid and self-deluded.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Do you think they understand the implications of upending democratic rule because I do not think a large segment of them do.
Id really like to meet someone for an affair...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 20, 2020:
An affair in that someone gets cheated on? Perhaps some activities or education in which you enhance your integrity would be a better use of your time.
In response to all the events that are happening lately Im re-posting a post of mine from a week and...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Let's take it one step further this time. If we accept that conservatism is based on fear, which translates into hate and results in selfishness, and that here in the richest country in the history of the world wealth disparity has reached obscene levels with still no limitations embraced by conservatives, is it not reasonable to hypothesize that scumbaggery is inherent to conservatism itself?
A wise person once said, "Life is not happening to you.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Evidence please.
What would you do if you had evidence of Biden voter fraud?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I would submit it to the proper authority. Cheating to win is not a legitimate win. Only one side in this attempt to overthrow American democracy is willing to cheat to win (see comment below).
Conservative Atheists in the world?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I've heard they exist but I prefer to think they don't.
Do you think correcting other people’s grammar is rude?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Hello dear, it's very nice to "see" you again. I think the guiding principle ought to be whether the offender will be receptive to the correction. Are you trying to help or hurt the person? Except, of course, in the case of illiterate Trumpers in which case it is ALWAYS appropriate to correct them about grammar and everything else! Thanks for asking, you always come up with the best questions. Don't be a stranger.
Whether or not God exists, Christopher Hitchens is still a scumbag
LovinLarge comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Not an article, just a blog. No supporting evidence. Not even signed.
I think that all grocery store workers should get hazardous pay.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Please convey to your niece that the customer who said that had a problem before they ever entered the store. A decent human being would not have said such a thing. Very, very sorry. Yes to hazard pay. Appreciation to your niece.
I am back on the road after spending the night in Deming New Mexico with member freedom path, a.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 18, 2020:
How nice that you could spend some time together! My money says you are both good company. A very safe trip to you, dear. Keep us posted?
Grandma brag moment! My 17 year old grandson- a senior- took the top spot at the Louisiana state ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 18, 2020:
A great accomplishment, and only the beginning!
Good point
LovinLarge comments on Nov 17, 2020:
That's 40 times you've posted today. Thank goodness for the block feature.
I made some little naans to eat with our dhal (lentil) soup.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 17, 2020:
I can't do beans anymore so I'm afraid to try lentils. The Naan sure looks good, though. I saw a tandoori oven for sale on Craig's List recently. I don't have room for it but sure would have liked to have it.
How about a vote on these two pieces? Is this a Rorschach test?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Very beautiful!
[aol.] Should the US lock down again to stop Covid-19? More people are dying now!!!!!!
LovinLarge comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Yes, but I don't really think we've ever done as much as we could have and should have done and I don't think we will because as a general comment, Americans do not care about each other. Not really.
If the average IQ is 100 then what do you estimate is the average IQ of contributors to this website...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 16, 2020:
On the basis of your nonsensical question, I know mine is higher than yours.
I made yogurt ☺️
LovinLarge comments on Nov 16, 2020:
I don't like yogurt, but I sure admire your many kitchen talents!
The seriousness of the COVID doesn’t really hit home until its hits a family member or someone ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Thanks for sharing. I sure hope she makes it through okay. Presumably the rest of her family is at risk, also. I suppose all each of us can do is protect ourselves and those for whom we are responsible to the best of our ability. Have the elders or whatever form of government exists there taken any steps to help the people protect themselves or any subsequent control measures?
Never Give Babies Water []
LovinLarge comments on Nov 16, 2020:
What about the fact that water is added to baby formula in powder form?
I have a dear friend I've known for years.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 16, 2020:
The difference between the beginnings of the universe being incomprehensible and the beginning of god being incomprehensible is that there is credible evidence for the existence of the universe. Anyway, that's how indoctrinated she is, that she never even considered where God came from before. Some of the finest people I've ever known have been devout Christians but it saddens me that they fell for the greatest fraud ever perpetrated upon humankind.
I have a dear friend I've known for years.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 15, 2020:
I wonder what @t1nick would say. I would say that we don't know because we weren't here but there are scientific theories that use the knowledge we have to address the issue.
My step cousin’s wife posted this and it made me LIVID.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 14, 2020:
You can tell your cousin's wife that when I was 17, I was the only one in the position to make an informed decision about my unplanned pregnancy, just like she was the only one in the position to make an informed decision about hers.
I made Afghan Mantu and Aush this evening.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 13, 2020:
Wow, the people who live at your house are very fortunate! Once again, that looks exquisute.
Your Thoughts?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 13, 2020:
I think he's capable of anything except competency.
So far my new pad is shaping up great with food, snacks, and drinks, etc.!😁
LovinLarge comments on Nov 13, 2020:
I'm coming over!
Trump lawyers testify in court "no evidence of fraud".
LovinLarge comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Republicans don't understand the significance of evidence because they have no regard for the truth.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Thanks for the reminder. Please take good care of yourself.
Another cowardly conservstive disparages multiculturalism.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 12, 2020:
They are a pathetic, selfish group on the wrong side of history.
Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lie down until it goes away.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I'm not sure if I knew when I was young that how I treated my body then would determine how it functions now. I probably knew and just didn't take it seriously. I sure wish I had because I am paying big time now. I exercise a little bit every day and it helps a little but the fact is that I will die decades earlier than I would have if I'd looked after myself. And it's going to be painful. I've come to terms with it, I just wish I could help someone else avoid it but it's not really the kind of thing you can teach.
Made some naan-e-roghani (an Afghan bread)
LovinLarge comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Yes, looks excellent. How does it differ in taste from ordinary bread?
39 comments on a post of a believer?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Pretty sure the most stupid is the member who just made 39 enemies with one post. Congrats, that's got to be a record!
Although I don't believe the world is ending soon , I believe there's a God, a force that has power ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I think you allow your imagination to overrule your knowledge.
Republicans Atheists
LovinLarge comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Hey look, not one of them had the balls to answer. Color me not surprised.
Some thoughts on broadening the appeal of Agnostic.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Would such a change trigger the corresponding change of striking unsupported factual claims, like the ones already made daily on this website? If so, the only people with a reason to oppose such a change are those disseminating false infornation. If not, your description of the website will be disingenuous.
Has anyone ever bought an extended car warranty from the robot caller?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Such an obvious scam. They've been harassing me for years. I've tried everything. I am on the state and national do not call lists. I have told them that under no circumstances would I purchase from them. Recently I started telling them that I don't have a car. They use fake telephone numbers on the caller ID so that uou can't call them back and they say they're going to remove me from their calling list but never do. Unless you have any other ideas, my current plan is just to waste as much of their time as I can, although they usually just hang up when they realize I'm onto them. It's hard to imagine anyone falling for their scam but people must or presumably they would stop trying.
Isn't it long past time to stop being so understanding of other people's delusional ideas about ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Because for us to retain the right to determine our own views, we have to afford others the same. That doesn't keep us from challenging them and educating them on the facts. Even though historically that has proven risky, it seems to be the best way to bring change. That change is occurring, likely in direct proportion to how active the atheist movement is.
Let's play truth or atheism?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Someone has way too much time on his hands.
Which foreign power poses the greatest threat the US of A? Feel free comment or add other options
LovinLarge comments on Nov 8, 2020:
I know it's not your question but I think RWNJ domestic terrorism has proven itself to be our biggest threat right now.
We like you Joe Biden, but your incessant Catholic god-talk is NOT a unifying gesture : atheism
LovinLarge comments on Nov 8, 2020:
I don't want to hear him talk about it either but "incessant" is not a fair characterization.
Sheryl Crow []
LovinLarge comments on Nov 8, 2020:
Thank you. I probably wouldn't have seen it if you hadn't posted it. She is a beautiful and talented woman and her message is powerful
I found this (first image on left) from Richard Dawkins.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 8, 2020:
I've never seen Dawkins identified as an agnostic before.
I agree with his analysis. What do you think? []
LovinLarge comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Yes, to preserve the integrity of the office we need to know to what extent the integrity of the office has been compromised.
I just got some Afghan chicken kababs marinating for tomorrow.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 7, 2020:
How are you going to cook those and what are you going to serve them with? I am so sick of my own cooking I am thinking of giving it up.
I updated my profile with some background info... thoughts?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Here's a link to that slug article for anyone who missed it.
How much do you expect "payback" to influence Democrat policy?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 7, 2020:
The proposition that leftist policy constitutes payback exposes the bias inherent to your question.
I m glad I found this group! Any Pagans here?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Your profile says you're 100% certain there's a god. Please present your evidence.
72% of surveyed non-religious people voted for Biden, according to AP VoteCast (the highest ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Dude, you are such a breath of fresh air around here. You are the only decent con I have run into on this website. You always source your facts, you make an honest effort to be civil, you post interesting things and not always stuff to push your own agenda, etc. Know that when I insult cons, I am not talking about you.
44 Obama 404 46 Biden
LovinLarge comments on Nov 6, 2020:
If it were only that easy to erase the last four years...sigh. A good effort on your part, though!
I get it, a lot of people hated him 4 years ago and still hate him now.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 6, 2020:
I wish the rest of you guys could post things this clever! ROTFL
I get it, a lot of people hated him 4 years ago and still hate him now.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 6, 2020:
You really had me going there! Kudos!
My mother's brother is in the hospital with some sort of bleeding issue.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Thanks for sharing. My very best wishes for a speedy recovery for your uncle. Now if only medicine could cure religion...
In case you missed it, The President just finished his press conference about the current state of ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Isn't it strange that "voter fraud" only exists in battleground states?
McConnell reportedly eyes constraints on possible Biden cabinet picks
LovinLarge comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Their is no lower standard than Republican integrity.
can it take so long count the votes in Nevada?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Keep grasping, it's still not going to be enough to save you.
Are we witnessing the end of "American Exceptionalism?"
LovinLarge comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Any chance you could tone it down a notch until the stress has eased a bit?
I thank me for my daily bread.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Boycott JJ, the trophy hunter.
My anxiety is so high. The Election stuff is killing me. Just wanted to share.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Me too, I am scared and that doesn't happen very often. I can not conceive of why it is so close.
I interned under President Trump at the White House last spring.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Tempted to believe you because you commonly provide evidence for your claims. Surely you don't still support.him?
The White Trash Bed and Breakfast []
LovinLarge comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Behind the scenes, they call it "Republican Entrepeneurship"!
Okay.. look. I actually felt a little handsome in this pic, alright?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Very handsome! Looks are not a problem for you, but character is what will sustain your appeal.
Why are you voting for your presidential candidate?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 2, 2020:
If anyone's interested, he ran the same poll on He also ran another poll and a question of extreme bias and offence. See screen shot.
My husband's 76th birthday today, & chicken chow mein is his favourite.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 1, 2020:
Looks delish! Happy birthday to that lucky man!
Why are you voting for your presidential candidate?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 1, 2020:
On top of all the other reasons not to vote Republican, anyone who does supports the opposition of democracy.
Have you ever listened to radio show host Alex Jones?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 1, 2020:
I have not, have you?
Why are you voting for your presidential candidate?
LovinLarge comments on Nov 1, 2020:
There are many candidates for many offices on the ballot.
I'm an atheist who loves cats....
LovinLarge comments on Nov 1, 2020:
I knew I liked you!
Stop the insanity! []
LovinLarge comments on Oct 31, 2020:
1. It's only for 2 weeks. 2. Essential travel is still allowed. 3. All Pueblo Walmarts are only open 7 am - 10 pm. 4. There's no evidence or even a reasonable expectation that more people will die under this restriction.
Me in my Vampire Costume for Halloween 2020 before the big election.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 31, 2020:
You're beautiful! Have a fun night!
The truth about how the Democratic Party is just an modest extension of the obstructionist ...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 31, 2020:
That was worth the watch, but everything is deniable until it's proven. She doesn't seem to understand that change occurs incrementally. SCOTUS and the Constitution won't be abolished next month, but there are many things that can realistically be changed for the better incrementally. The problem generally with these types of critiques is that they point out problems but not solutions. For instance, there has to be a final arbiter of federal lawsuits. She denounced SCOTUS but offered no alternative. Equating the Democrats with the Republicans is a false equivalency. The Democrats have been more progressive than the Republicans for decades and it is particularly so today. We know that one of two men is going to be our next president and the difference between the two despite them both being old, white men is glaring. Give Biden a Democratic Congress and that is how we will get things done.
I came across an interesting statistic recently which got me thinking.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Let's see your evidence.
A Catholic school in Michigan is asking a federal judge to stop enforcement of mask mandates.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 30, 2020:
They will lose.
Woke up back to normal.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 30, 2020:
This is the great news we've been waiting for!
Pete Buttigieg and Liz Warren do the Time Warp with Tenacious D and Susan Sarandon.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 30, 2020:
That was very fun, thank you! Although now I'm craving meatloaf...
What will you do if tRump steals the election and wins again.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 29, 2020:
I have dual American and Canadian citizenship. I could go back, but the fight is here. We can't let these uneducated, uninformed, unaccomplished, disreputable, hatemongering deplorables succeed, no matter how long it takes to disembowel them.
As an atheist I do not believe that the individual life of a person has an absolute and intrinsic ...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 29, 2020:
American law protects American from discrimination on the basis of age. I won't trouble myself with citations since you didn't.
Whew, what a day! Hurricane Zeta passed through but didn't stay long! No power in most of the New ...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 29, 2020:
So glad you are safe!
Cold, rainy, snowy, miserable day....good day for chili!
LovinLarge comments on Oct 28, 2020:
That looks very good!
In 1983, during Ronald Reagan's second run for office, the GOP accused the Democrats of being ...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 27, 2020:
I wish you would write for us sometime about where you live and how it has benefitted you to be immersed in another culture. Please consider it.