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So is it possible for a 21 year old person straight out of university who is telling a 50 year old geek that they are wrong or does the 50 year old geek have to suck it up to this 21 year old person who has not a clue what the fuck they are talking about...asking for a friend...

James121 7 Nov 28

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It's depends who is right. Each one believes they are right. Age has nothing to do with it.


You are never doing anyone a favor by failing to correct false beliefs. Sounds like the 21 year old need to be taught some humility.


Asking for a friend? That you are your own friend is probably good.

A chief modical officer recently told me that today’s medical schools teach pills;.

My nephew is a doctor, while in school, pharmaceutical companies took them on all expense weekend junkets. A couple of times. Tell me that's not influential.


Not enough information to determine. Sometimes experience is the best teacher. I try to always be open but will stand firm when I know WHY I do things a certain way in my profession. If I say one way is better, I know from vast experience.

and you are 21 or you know all things at that age...ok

not at all. But I am open to new ways of doing things, or, in my case new laws for accounting to deal with. Nothing is exactly as I learned it upon college graduation. Things change, Tech improves constantly. But I've never had a know it all attitude and I refuse to start that at almost 60. I learn new computer tips constantly. I also teach them. BTW...I don't need the mansplaining either.


Honestly, it really helps if your friend can assemble a coherent sentence.

skado Level 9 Nov 28, 2020

sorry the difference between an SLR and a DSLR..


It's the job of the 21 year old to be satisfied in knowing what's right but keep an open mind, if that's possible. The 50 year old geek isn't 90, they have to stay open to new ideas, if that's possible.

what gets to me is the ability to think that digital is the god of analogue and think they know the reasons why


Its entirely possibly, in fact mandatory, that fresh out of college people tell people who've been doing it for years they're wrong.

The fuck you think they spent all that money on an education for? Just remember, old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill every time. You're real job is to figure out how to exploit them for you're maximum benefit and thier maximum learning experience.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 28, 2020

really disagree here I am a film photographer of 35 years talking to a person who has no idea of focal distance or focal depth or film speed trying to sell a dslr to someone who actually knows all these things... but has never had a slr...ever

@James121 oh, well, just an idiot, then.

What're you doing shopping in a place that would employ such a salesperson, anyways? 😉

@1of5 ..sadly I did not employ this person but had to put up with him till they had to let him go because he was over knowledged and knew everything at such a young age and the older less informed folks just stopped listening to his sage


That is a puzzler. What about a compromise?

so obviously you know the differences between an slr and a dslr..

@James121 I apologize, I may have known at one time but I do not now. You sound very experienced, can you use this situation to teach something to that young whippersnapper?

@LovinLarge You obviously appreciate the youngsters telling you that something like dial up phones were shit....though you had to live with them and put up with them so fuckin long in your life and that digital phones are so much better....

@James121 Yes, that would be very frustrating. He knows a lot but still has much to learn. He doesn't understand that dial phones were a necessary stage of technological advancement. I hope I wasn't like that when I was 21.

@LovinLarge nope appreciate everything here ...we all learn something

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