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The seriousness of the COVID doesn’t really hit home until its hits a family member or someone close to you. For a teacher it occurs when it hits your students. A teacher's job is protect, nurture, and expand their world.

Today one of my studrnts just informed me that she was having trouble finishing my work and the Quarter as she has COVID and is not feeling well. On top of that, her sister died yesterday from COVID.

She just wanted me to know that she was working on it, but might be a little late due to not feeling well. This is when you know that you have made a positive impact when they still want to please you despite facing something like COVID. I told her not to worry about any of it. I got it covered ay my end. She's already proved herself with what she's done already. She's demonstrated Mastery in the previous work and in life.

t1nick 8 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for sharing. I sure hope she makes it through okay. Presumably the rest of her family is at risk, also. I suppose all each of us can do is protect ourselves and those for whom we are responsible to the best of our ability. Have the elders or whatever form of government exists there taken any steps to help the people protect themselves or any subsequent control measures?

Yes the Rez is on lockdown. Just had my second student alert me this morning to her and her family having contracted COVID over the weekend.

@t1nick That is worrisome. I trust you've been doing lessons online?


Yes teaching virtual. We've had 5 employees contract. I had minimal contact with them. Got a test last Friday. I fear the worst is just beginning.

@t1nick There is some comfort in knowing that you are taking all possible steps to protect yourself because that's all we can do. Do you have everything you need to do so?


Yes thank you. Access to town every pay day to get essentials

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