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Religion is at its best when....

UrsiMajor 8 Nov 21

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A good quote, but in this century I have become convinced that religion is at its best not when it possesses some constructive attributes, but rather when it is entirely without certain properties, beginning with the following:

  • No personal, interested and engaged supreme being
  • No sacred, holy or divine
  • No sacrament, ritual or liturgy
  • No faith, credulity or unsupported belief
  • No prayer, miracle or intercession
  • No organization, hierarchy or structure
  • No prophet, oracle or medium
  • No disciple, promoter or evangelist
  • No scripture, dogma or creed

A religion without the above is one I might be able to tolerate. On the other hand, a religion with any one of these features is one I would, and do, mistrust from the outset.

It's a riddle.... If we were on Jeopardy am I buzzing in the answer, "What is science?"

@UrsiMajor Indeed, and as Robert Green Ingersoll said, "To really reform the church is to destroy it. Every new religion has a little less superstition than the old, so that the religion of Science is but a question of time."
Individuality, 1873


Religion is at its best when it is confined to history.




Religion is at its worst when people get decapitated.

Mvtt Level 7 Nov 22, 2020

There is nothing positive about any religion, not even their so called charities, because they are done to perpetuate their brainwashing over the moron lemming followers.


When it falls like a rotten tree in a light breeze.


I'm sorry, I forgot to thank you for posting this. I am always interested in the thoughts of accomplished people like this. And but for you, I would still not know who he was. Thank you for sharing this.


I did not know who he was, but he was very accomplished I found out. But I don't think religion makes us ask hard questions about ourselves or anything else, hence the reliance on faith.


Religion is at its best when... its ignored.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 21, 2020

Nooooooo. We have ignored radical Christians for so long that they finally got a 6 to 3 majority in the Supreme Court. That is going to cause problems for decades to come. So, we ignore danger at our own peril!!

@Rodatheist I'm talking about by everyone.

Religion is nothing but an outdated blight on humanity. IMHO, of course.


We do not need religion to ask hard questions about ourselves.
I would say, humanity will be at its best when it can finally leave irrational religious thought behind.


A great quote.


Religion is at it's worst when people are in their Most Vulnerable state. Embracing them with Open arms, But Locking them in with Fear.


What religion is he referring to?

Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

Word Level 8 Nov 21, 2020

As reliable and predictable as the sun rising. 😉


You can lead a theist to reason, but you can't make him/her think


This! I'm in a phase of my life where I'm challenging myself to not allow my agnosticism to be a cop out for engaging the hard questions and occasionally deep diving into a comparative analysis of some of the ways religions answer them. Annnnnnnd, I'll still never have patience for people who preach the one way answers and try to enforce them on others. That's not a weakness I want to improve on! haha!


" He/she who NEVER questions NEVER learns." - William Anthony, 2019


Good point

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 21, 2020
7 doesn't exist.

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