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Fact checkers lie and get sued and forced to make a public retraction.


Thirst2learn 7 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Everyone is lying except Dear Leader Trump. the FBI, CIA, the Media... Dear Leader NEVER lies... I have heard Dear Leader can heal sick children with just his mind !!! all hail Dear Leader !!!

Leetx Level 7 Nov 29, 2020

OH YES !!! DEEEEEP STATE... blah blah blah

@Thirst2learn <--- still thinks Mexico is paying for the wall. sad

@Thirst2learn <--- still thinks trump has a healthcare plan HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

You rubes are SOOOOO easy @Thirst2learn

ok Goober hahaha !! @Thirst2learn


Daily Wire ? HAHAHAHAHA !!!!!

Leetx Level 7 Nov 29, 2020

I'll be impressed when everything a conservative says doesn't need to be fact checked to begin with.

Can you tell me, please, what % of fact checks regarding Trumps utterances have been retracted?

1of5 Level 8 Nov 29, 2020

Wow, major claptrap from a right-wing rag & an Uncle Tom-asina

@Thirst2learn I am aware of the definition, and "feminized" it to fit the subject. No idea where Your interjection of "obey" enters in....freudian slip, much?

@Thirst2learn are you really as dumb as you seem?

@Thirst2learn and there it is, the delusion, common among drumpers, that money is important & conveys status.


What a bunch of pussies. She done be a ho.

@Thirst2learn Who the hell you calling a commie? If you're for Trump you're the racist. She's a house Negro.

@Thirst2learn You don't know me. I'm Joe Arrow. I live in Philly. I have my real pic on this site. I'm not on govt assistance. I'm not a keyboard warrior. You would not say that to my face. Don't talk at me again troll.

@Thirst2learn More like Thirstforjizz

@Thirst2learn I voted blue this year because I hate Trump and I'm not feeling too kindly about you.

@Thirst2learn I will collect Social Security in 4 years as you will one day. That's provided somebody doesn't abbreviate your existence.

@barjoe I reported his "commie" slur...what a dumbass!

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