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Stop the insanity!

DavidLaDeau 8 Oct 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Trying to save a bunch of asshats from themselves......


I live in LA and there's never been a 24hr place that was open to my knowledge except a pharmacy in the 80's. Don't get the munchies at 2:30 am, you'd get Del Taco if you were lucky but more likely service station food 🤮


Its people like this that helped me decide to leave Pueblo 5 years ago.


I hate stupid people like the one on this video. Exceptions do not make the rule and can be dealt with individually as circumstances arise.

We've had curfew in Gallup since spring. It brought the case load down. Like everywhere else its spiking again. Mostly to relaxed curfew and unthinking tourists passing through. It works. We are on curfew again and I expect to see positive results.

Exactly, just like exceptions to the mask rule can be obtained when medically necessary.

My 94 year old father lives in Pueblo. Pretty sure he won't be bitching about this. I think it is actually targeting the late night partiers who aren't social distancing. We have been very fortunate in Colorado so far, I hope it stays that way.


I was born and raised in Colorado. Left for many years after high school graduation... I then returned in 2007. Remained in CO until 2016 when I came back to rural New Mexico. I do not miss CO,

@t1nick I'm glad that you've found your place, I wish everyone could. I come from generations of Colorado Democrats. My paternal great-grandmother started the first hot lunch program in Denver schools. My father taught at DU and CSU. Colorado is a fairly progressive state with a comparatively good econony. Because of the ACA, I get health care comparable to what I got in Canada. Sure we have some rednecks, mostly in the south, but they don't get much play here. I never see a MAGA hat and there's rarely any bitching about wearing a mask. I'm sorry you didn't have a better experience here, but please feel free to visit!


I grew up near Boulder. I have a geology degree fron CU. The front range is pretty liberal, but the interior and the plains are pretty backward except the resort towns. My paternal grandparents are from the eastern plains, Limon & Hugo, and third or fourth generation Democrats. My maternal grandparents were fron Limon and Canon City. I'm an Independent.

I didn't mind Pueblo, but the surrounding area was way too self-centered conservative. There was a really poor understanding of cause-effect and an understanding of the bigger picture.

@t1nick Of course, I do not get into rural Colorado much anymore. I do not have a conservative bone in my body and would under no circumstances vote Republican so I guess I have to call myself a Democrat although I would vote for third party progressive candidates that stood a chance of winning.

I must say I find you to be one of the most interesting, grounded and credible personalities I have encountered here. I appreciate the time you take and effort you make to post, comment and interact with me thoughtfully and look forward to more of it.


Most people post and run and do not necessarily take time for a conversation. I miss a good conversation as I am located fairly remotely and with CIVID its difficult to have chance encounters and conversations in town.

  1. It's only for 2 weeks.
  2. Essential travel is still allowed.
  3. All Pueblo Walmarts are only open 7 am - 10 pm.
  4. There's no evidence or even a reasonable expectation that more people will die under this restriction.

It will force much more personal contact and does nothing to help the community. Gas stations etc as I mentioned would bemopen in the middle of the night. This restriction will cause much more exposure and thus is much more dangerous. If stores were allow to be opened in the night hours there would be much less close interactions. This is just a stupid impulsive feel good move that will cause more harm than good.

@DavidLaDeau There's no evidence that affords your position any credibility. You have to be able to substantiate claims like this but you haven't. Calling government action designed to control COVID "stupid" etc. smacks of anti-maskism. If I were you, I would be concerned about how taking such a ridiculous, unresearched claim affected my personal credibility.

@LovinLarge It takes no rocket scientist. When you force more people to be together instead of encourageing them to have as little contact as possible it is a higher risk. That is scientifically proven. Do you not understand how viruses spread?

@DavidLaDeau If you're going to claim something is "scientifically proven", you need to produce the scientific proof.

It doesn't matter what I do or don't understand. You're the one advancing the claim with nothing to back it up. I was actually trying to help you understand the effort to control the virus but if you are going to be rude, you do so at your own expense.

@LovinLarge Lets put it this way if you are not exposed to people with the virus you are not likely to get it. The more people you put in close proximity the higher the chance of exposure. If you don't understand thst no scientific explaination will help you.

@DavidLaDeau No one will take your postion seriously without supporting evidence except others like yourself who either don't know what evidence is or don't care. You've misinterpreted the other comments in this thread to support your position but they do not.

You would have accomplished more running errands for your sister-in-law than you did making this video.

@LovinLarge You are at least right that they will not own up to or correct their errors.


The extra encounters you attempt to make reference to are pretty negligible given the reduced travel that people have imposed upon themselves due to COVID. You are making a mountain out an ant hill (not even big enough to a mole hill).

@t1nick The measures will increase exposure and they have threated a year in jail for what, to make the Mayor "just feel" like he is doing something. No this is big, next its Martial law. Frankly I am for taking precautions seriously but not ones that will increase exposure.

It is okay to step back and say hey I did not understand and havenlearned something.
Lets put your objections in a different perspective to understand better their failures.
Lets talk about Your mother and rape and look at your objections now.

1 Your mother will only be constantly raped for two weeks.
2 Your mother will still be able to eat and eliminate while being constantly raped.
3 Your mother is likely to be raped during regular businees hours so there is nonreason to reduce the risk or her being constantly raped.
4 there is no reason to expect that when your mother is exposed to as few rapist as possible that she will not be raped anyway.

Not one of these argument work well for exposure to anything.

@DavidLaDeau Seek professional help.

@LovinLarge My position in the video and in your response had been that the more people that are exposed to covid, the more lpeople will die from it. My point very clearly was that we should take actions that minimalize exposure to everyone. You did not like that and have now suggested that I seek professional help.

@DavidLaDeau You've completely missed the very point of the rule, to keep people from going out as much. But for you to equate controlling COVID with rape is thoroughly offensive, so much so that my lay opinion is that you have untreated mental health issues and I have tried to do you a favor by suggesting that you do something about it.

Your entire argument is invalid and makes you appear foolish at best. You have no credibility and I don't want anything to do with you. If you address me again, I will block you permanently.


First, my point was good intent does not necessarily equil good ideas, as in this case. The attempt to limit social interaction in this case will actually cause more social interactions and much more exposure, no matter how feel good the the intent.

Second, I in no way made the equvication of rape to covid. I did use rape to make it clear how YOUR ARGUMENTS were falacious.

No matter how much I try to make it the point of my post clear,
what is clear is that

  1. I am unable to help you to understand my point or
  2. you are unable to understand my points for reasons that are not of my ability to remedy

In either case WE BOTH want what is best for everyone. I do wish you and everyone the best in these troubling times.

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