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What will you do if tRump steals the election and wins again.

What will you do if...

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creative51 8 Oct 29

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Depend on the newly-Democratic Congress to rein him in


I already live in Canada ,so no choices has to be made


I don’t know the future, not even my own.
I want a quiet conflict free life, but I live in a potential purge society.
So I can’t say which would win, fight or flight because it depends on how badly the situation sucks.
I’ve lived with Conservative fascist all my life, starting with G.C. Wallace. But if it comes to sanctioned stop and frisk by militias on behalf of Trump I will have to choose an action if I want to live.


I wouldn't tell anybody what I was going to do.


I have dual American and Canadian citizenship. I could go back, but the fight is here. We can't let these uneducated, uninformed, unaccomplished, disreputable, hatemongering deplorables succeed, no matter how long it takes to disembowel them.


If there's ever a time to exercise your second amendment rights, that would be it.

I’ve watched Portland and Minneapolis on TV. I don’t think they have much to offer along the line of “2nd amendment”. Feet, rocks, and sticks just makes for funny videos for Tosh.0.


They are protestor, not fighters.

@RoboGraham obviously peaceful




Find a way into Canada grandma was Canadian

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 29, 2020

I’ll gladly be the shit head.

Losers typically call winners shit heads and we think it’s funny.

@Druvius hahaha. You wanna know why the African (and I would agree) shithole countries are doing so well with Covid?

Two reasons

#1. They are shit hole countries that don’t care about their citizens and they have very limited testing.

#2. They have an extremely high risk of malaria. As a result, they eat hydroxychloroquine pills like candy.

Now; can you tell me what Political party of our government cried about hydroxychloroquine being untested and a risk to that American population???

I’ll wait.

@CourtJester Let's see the evidence that supports your factual claims, you racist shithead. I'll wait.

@LovinLarge Hahaha. Beautiful. Can you prove that I’m a racist? Or did you just not have an argument against my previous post?

I’ll wait.

This is extra funny because I literally said that losers call winners shitheads in a previous post this evening. Beautiful.

@CourtJester You proved yourself a racist by calling the countries of Africa "shithole countries".

Now prove your factual claims, namely that:

  1. African countries don't care about their citizens;
  2. African countries have very limited COVID testing;
  3. African countries have a very high risk of malaria; and
  4. African countries eat hydrochloroquine like candy.

Make sure to prove your claims about all 54 African countries or I have proven you a liar. Again.

@LovinLarge your turn; or do I need 49 more? When are you moving there???

@CourtJester Pictures unidentified as to place, time, circumstances and relevance do not constitute evidence. If you had any post-secondary education, you would know that.

@LovinLarge those aren’t my personal photos, but I have been there. It is much that. I’ve been there with the military and gone separately on two hunting trips.

I have a decent income. I have some college loans that I’m paying, but if you are willing to denounce your American citizenship, I would personally buy you a one way ticket to any country in Africa if you believe that any one is great. Just pick one.

Feel free to pm me and we can talk through it. We’ll wrap up your citizenship and get you on a free trip to the wonderland of Africa.

@CourtJester If anything you said was true, you would be able to support it with evidence. You do the same thing every time you post here. Your factual claims are false and you have no personal credibility because even your bio is false. I will give you credit for choosing the right name to use on this website because you certainly have established yourself as a joke here.

@LovinLarge pm me. I’ll prove you wrong. All you have to do is denounce your citizenship. I will hook you up.

Come on.... you wanna do it....

Or do you actually live your citizenship and rights?

But the offer stands.

@CourtJester You've been proven a liar in this thread alone, just as I've done to you in the very same way in countless previous threads. You are uneducable.


do you actually live your citizenship and rights

This is a meaningless phrase. Just so you know.

@LovinLarge Just let me know.

@CourtJester To summarize then, because I asked you to support your dubious factual claims with evidence, you would like to pay for me to move to Africa.

Does this help you understand how foolish you appear?

@CourtJester uuuummm, it has been shown repeatedly that hydroxy has serious side effects on the heart, one of the organs that can get weakened by Covid (for example, from lack of oxygen)
But you go right ahead & keep pushing it like your tin gawd says...oh, wait, he didn't take it in Walter Reed...........

@AnneWimsey I’ve prescribed it. It’s been great for the past 60 years. All of a sudden it’s bad? Seriously?

@CourtJester becuz you have a lot of malaria sufferers on your (supposedly, according to you) brand-new practice? You were prescribing before you got your license? Perhaps a call to your state medical board is in order......

@AnneWimsey Narrow minds. It is also used for porphyria cutanea tarda (which is pretty rare), rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and lupus.
There's actually 2,000 - 3,000 cases of malaria in the US per year as well.

@CourtJester answer the question! You claim you just got your medical license... so when, exactly, were you writing prescriptions? I know Alabama, Jasper is a small place, I am sure the authorities would have no trouble finding you & checking on things.

@AnneWimsey about a month ago. You get to make a lot of recommendations before you complete your internship too. But with Covid going, it’s a very cheap prescription option.

If you ever make it to the area, PM me and I’ll show you around. It is pretty nice.

@CourtJester I lived in Eufaula, undoubtedly prettier but full of total shitheads, like all of Alabama. Like Thelma & Louise, I go around it.

@AnneWimsey Damn. You’re only about four hours away. We should totally meet in the middle for lunch some day.
I’m betting that we both have more in common than our online ‘personas’.
You obviously have an issue with people that think differently than yourself, but we should meet up next month. Fun election game. It’s obvious who we’re both rooting for. Winner pays the bill, loser picks the location for lunch/dinner. Pick someplace really nice though. Montgomery has some really really amazing higher end places and I have been there in quite a while.

@CourtJester oh, I live in CT now.....

@AnneWimsey so. Harrisburg, Virginia would be the halfway point then. Winner pays dinner and hotel for the other.

@CourtJester I have an very small RV, with dogs........and a brother who lives in Norfolk, but my state enforces quarantine, if i leave, 2 strict weeks at home upon return or a $2500.00 fine. Which o support big-time, BTW, it keeps us safer.

@AnneWimsey I have an large house with a dog. And no one else. Plan for December? Covid will be a nonissue shortly after nov 3rd. I’m up for the bet if you are though. Even though I’m white, I’m guessing we’d disagree a bit, but also agree on many levels.




Recede into my my own little world. I don't know what else to do.

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