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In response to all the events that are happening lately Im re-posting a post of mine from a week and a half sgo.

"When did Republicans become such scumbags?"

t1nick 8 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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When President Hoover fired guns upon US military veterans.


The takeover of the party by the moral majority (of which they were neither) put them on the path to their current level of skullfuckery as "policy".

1of5 Level 8 Nov 20, 2020

Let's take it one step further this time. If we accept that conservatism is based on fear, which translates into hate and results in selfishness, and that here in the richest country in the history of the world wealth disparity has reached obscene levels with still no limitations embraced by conservatives, is it not reasonable to hypothesize that scumbaggery is inherent to conservatism itself?

Scumbag refers to corruption. No respect for the rule of law, without a moral compass. I don't think conservatives have a monopoly on that. Liberals James Traficant, Chaka Fattah, Jesse Jackson Jr, Ray Nagin, Rod Blagojevich. All liberal scumbags, and I left a bunch out. Theodore Roosevelt, John McCain, Tom Ridge, Mitt Romney, all conservatives. Not scumbags. The Republican Party currently is a party almost entirely made of scumbags or scumbag enablers. That's for sure.

@barjoe That's one limited definition of scumbag, but you make a good point in that the term was not defined at the outset although it usually wouldn't be in an informal discussion like this. If we agreed to use that definition, I would also agree that it is not exclusive to conservatives.

The definition I used was broader, as I explained in walking through my analysis step by step, having to do with how people view themselves in relation to their community.

@LovinLarge I don't embrace conservatism, with the exception of a few issues, but that doesn't make all conservatives scumbags. Most not all. Republican is the official Scumbag Party.

@barjoe You and I are going to have to work very hard if we want to find something to disagree about.

I was criticizing conservatism as a political ideology. I too would stop short of saying every conservative is a scumbag, in fact the fewer it could be said about, the happier I would be.

@LovinLarge I want you to be happy. You're a very nice person.

@barjoe Thank you, that's very kind of you to say. I enjoy interacting with you and value your input. I sure enjoyed The Queen's Gambit, thanks to you. I really liked the story and especially the girl. Thank you for being one of the handful of people whose posts and comments I always know will be worth the read.

@LovinLarge Thank you. Queens Gambit is good. The actress who played Beth is great actor and she's very cute. I think they may try a second season, they've hinted. I don't post that much, I am opinionated that's for sure. I like your posts very much also. Have you seen New Perry Mason? Its excellent as well. HBO tho


@t1nick 1971 when they tried to assassinate George Wallace but succeeded in keeping him from running, sabotaged Ed Muskie, hired Ex CIA goons, broke into DNC headquarters. So 50 years. That's if you don't include nominating Nixon in '60, Goldwater'64. If you include Joe McCarthy hearings1952 and the House Unamerican Affairs Committee, that would make 70 years. Oh yeah their was America First, where they pretended they were for peace, but actually sided with Hitler. They wanted to keep US out of the war long enough for Nazis to take over all Europe. So that's 80 years. Between November 1932 and March 1933 Herbert Hoover delayed transition of power to FDR and tried to overturn the election like Trump's doing, not quite as bad, lost in too big a landslide, 88 years. Oh then there's the Teapot Dome Scandal, 1921 when Harding administration took bribes, extortion really for oil contracts, 100 years. Oh wait. 1876 Election where Rutherford Hayes stole the election from Samuel Tilden. Hayes destroyed Reconstruction, ruined the reputation of Ulysses S Grant and began Jim Crow in this country. Yes they officially became the party of scumbags 145 years ago. Donald Trump helped them back to their original true scumbagedness.

Well I guess that answers my question. Lol. I was thinking more rhetorical. Lol. But you are on point.

My ex's step grand father part of the Tea Pot Dome scandal. Another crooked real estate deal. Sound familiar.

@t1nick That scandal went on in criminal courts until and after the crash of 1929, which I forgot to mention on my list. lol

Good history.

Historically point on, my friend. Well done!

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