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For 2020 Ive decided to make food pills (like they used to say food would be by now)

Im not really into new years resolutions but my inspiration happened to line up with the day. I'm 195 pounds and at 5'2 I am officially "morbidly obese". Seems like as good of time as any..

Actually I think they used to say "a pill", which isnt really what Im doing. I created a diet for myself which includes replacing all of my daily food intake with pills that I make from dried powdered food. It ends up being about 300 homemade "pills" a day.

It's somewhat of an experiment but it seems to be going well so far. Its been 4 days and I'm down 4 pounds, probably mostly water, but still encouraging. I feel fine. Just peeing alot. I find it much easier to not eat at all than to eat little bits all the time.. I know that sounds unhealthy but Im getting the recommended calories for a weight loss diet and since its 100% super foods its probably more nutrients from them than I have ever had from eating. I made sure protein and fiber were above RDI. Calories are at just under 1200.

Im planning on staying with the pills alone for a month then switching to a few days a week. I don't see any reason why I can't use it as a sort of permanent lifestyle change, similar to intermittent fasting only easier.

MsAl 8 Jan 1
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Be careful

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 2, 2020

I know it sounds unhealthy and eating didorderish when I say it but I really think it is a very healthy and safe approach compared to most any diet plan and especially compared to the bad eating practices I have had lately.

I'm taking in 1200 calories along with high levels of protein, fiber and all the nutrients from eating 100% "superfoods".

I am a little leery of talking about it online too much because "pills" and "not eating" are traditionally associated with unhealthy situations and I don't want to attract the wrong sort of attention..

@MsAl was talking about some side effects of dieting similar to what you are doing, from a medical point of view


Interesting concept.. But I like food too much to replace it with pills... My motto is : eat less, move more and drink plenty of water.. 😊

Yes that's been mine but I have some significant anxiety issues and Iv been on somewhat of a 3 year binge of junk food and very bad nutrition.

I'm trying this out as a tool. I don't currently have the emotional capacity to eat smaller portions of good stuff all the time. This is much easier.


Interesting plan. Can you explain a bit about the "pills"? What sort of foods do you use? How do you process it into pill form? Interested in hearing updates on your progress.

DotLewis Level 7 Jan 2, 2020

I'd like to hear about the pill making process but only as a supplement

I use capsule filler and empty gelatin capsules for the most part. Some of the ingredients I make into a dough and roll into little balls that I dry because capsules are expensive if you use 300 per day..

If you just use them for supplements though the capsules are quite affordable and I bought a filler on Amazon that makes 100 at a time.

Right now me base recipe is quinoa, chia, hempseeds, goji berries, kale, and nutritional yeast. All in dried form and ground up. Also a some Ginger to keep my tummy happy and smell nice. I might work things like cacao, ceylon cinnamon, and garlic into future batches for all the good micronutrients and benefits they bring.

I used recipe builder on fatsecret .com to make my recipe and make sure I'm getting enough protein.


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