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I had an appointment with a new consultant today about my arthritic hip. Not good news, since he said it isn't bad enough to be urgent so I am on a waiting list. But I was so pleased that he was himself overweight to the point of obese and only as I was leaving did he mutter about it would be good to lose a bit of weight. I am so tired of doctors who haven't a clue what it is like to be me.

CeliaVL 7 June 26
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My wife recently had a hip replacement. It's one of those things you do as a last resort. LOL, you become a cyborg with machine and human parts.

It's good your doctor said you weren't ready. Sorry for your pain.

EdEarl Level 8 June 26, 2018

30+ years ago I had a crushing and irreparable foot injury. That was what started my weight gain since I could no longer comfortably walk or hike long distances. It was getting worse as I gained weight, which caused more inactivity and more weight gain. Fast-forward 30-years I'd become unable to walk a half-mile without horrible and debilitating foot pain for the next 24-36 hours. Well, no wonder... I'd gained 85# (from 155# to 240#) in those 30+ years. In the past 3 years now I've lost most of that, now being down 75# to 165# just through healthy eating. In the past 6-12 months, I seem to have crossed a line where my foot no longer suffers from the pain of carrying the excess weight. I think my overall health has vastly improved and with the foot pain essentially GONE I have a new freedom of movement. I think doctors need to be a little harder on us overweight people. If they could just pry us away from the horrible and toxic foods we're mostly offered in the US then I think we'd all weigh a lot less and have fewer medical complaints. To ALL of us here... just eliminate the excess fats and added sugars from your diet and see the amazing improvements in just about EVERYTHING.

mtnhome Level 7 June 26, 2018

You have done brilliantly and it is good that you are able to maintain it. We are all different though, and in different circumstances.


I care about you

Laurely4u Level 4 June 26, 2018

Thank you. I really appreciate that!

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Posted by OldMetalHeadI hit a new weight milestone this week. Still trying for the six-pack.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by JonnaBononnaI had finally gotten back on track after gaining back most of the weight I lost a couple of years ago.

Posted by JurneeI have to say, as an overweight karate instructor, this is the one patch that I was ok with never getting.

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Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

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Posted by MyMrsFifiAte my tiny meal...... Still hungry.... Waiting for snack time like this......

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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