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7/18/2018, Being up late, decided to drop by anyway. Today went better than expected as I didn't eat out although I was out of town. However, even though calorie count was good, I may pay for the abundance of salt in today's eating. I decided I'd better cook the pork loin and stir fry vegetables I got a few days ago. Slivered some of the pork and seared it with onion, garlic and ginger than added broccoli, sugar snap peas, carrots and red cabbage mix, and soy sauce. The problem is I got a bit generous with the soy sauce and when I overdue sodium, it often shows on the scales next day. Fortunately, it will drop back more quickly than regular loss, if I don't overdue regularly.
Hope everyone is doing well with whatever they are working for. Feel free to share your journey with the group, it may encourage others and it can even be personally cathartic for some.

DotLewis 7 July 19
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Enjoy being online again!

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Hid Dot. You did great while traveling. You'll be able to turn it into a habit. First, for day long trips. Then, you'll make it work on longer ones.

I had more than 500 calories Jul 18, maybe 700

EdEarl Level 8 July 19, 2018

Damn! That's tight. I guess when I have done a fruit fast day, it probably comes in around that but I never did more than 2 days in a row of that. That was challenging enough. Best of luck in your fasting.


The stir-fry sounds nice. What quantity of pork loin did you use? I didn't know sodium had that effect. Something more to keep in mind.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 19, 2018

Can't say for sure, I counted it at 8 oz although I'm pretty sure it was less than that. I then added a 12 oz bag of pre-cut stir fry vegis. I then ate 1/2 of the resulting stir fry.
Sodium effects vary from person to person. How well you hydrate plays a part in it, too. Although I try to keep my water intake up, I will still notice a weight bump if I go heavy on salt, particularly in the evening. I don't actively limit salt, in hot weather I sweat plenty of it out whenever I do outside work but if I load up on salt, it counts, albeit only for about a day.

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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