2 1

The food I eat determines hunger, and low calorie fruits and vegetables control hunger very well, while eating a low calorie diet. I'm eating as "Forks over Knives" recommends, which means I eat as much as I want of high nutrition foods with low calories.

100 blueberries
200 beans
200 salad
050 potato

EdEarl 8 July 21
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Giving up for the dau, it's 3AM now. Not so great a day. Was probably under 1000 at end of my eating window but had committed to making syrup from the chokecherry juice I extracted this week. Then it has to be canned so this meant most of the night in the kitchen. I did finally get done, made 2 double batches of syrup, filling the canner. In the process, tasted the syrup several times, after adding spices and such. Removed the foam from the first batch before putting it in jars, put part of that on a couple crackers.
Anyway, not sure where I finished the day, other than tired and with aching feet and back. Darn stuff better turn out right. Tasted good but it needs to thicken. I'll see what it looks like in the morning. Meanwhile, here's to a great day tomorrow, for everyone.

DotLewis Level 7 July 22, 2018

It's 4:00 am now. I awoke few minutes before 3:00, perhaps I heard you rattling jars in the kitchen. 🙂 Umm, that would be good on pan cakes.


I agree completely. I simply do not have any high-calorie foods in my home... salmon is about the highest at 41 Cal/oz. My refrigerator is packed with lo-cal veggies and I can eat about all I want and still stay between 1100-1400 C for the day. Dieting starts at the market. Keep lots of salad fixins and lo-cal dressings ("Skinny Girl" ) on hand at all times. All my salad ingredients, including the dressing, are 10 Cal/oz or less.

mtnhome Level 7 July 22, 2018

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