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23/08/2018 - Diet Diary - What day is it? Oh, Thursday. Retirement has stolen my ability to remember what day it is. Any retirees have this experience? Exercise class today so for a moment I thought it was Monday. Also swept the roof and cleaned gutters today (is that exercise) and trimmed a bunch of dead twigs out of the tree over the roof. Fall isn't even here. Gutters are a pain.

Intake was tight today, around 780 calories but after being a bit lax for a few days, didn't hurt me. Tomorrow traveling 90 miles for medical reason so up and on the road early. Just wanted to get this posted before trying to sleep. Good day all!

DotLewis 7 Aug 24
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I mess-up my days often... and I'm not entirely retired! But mostly working from home is the same thing... hard to tell the days apart sometimes. 2x in the past couple weeks I drove to the 2x/week Farmer's Market on the wrong days and wondered where everyone was.

mtnhome Level 7 Aug 25, 2018

I take solace in the fact that it isn't an old age thing. I clearly recall, when I was in 8th grade, getting up, dressing, grabbing breakfast and trotting down to the bus stop. There was no one there, I stood there, aghast! It was several miles to school and missing the bus meant..... well, I didn't know what. I had never missed the bus before. I stood there a few minutes, trying to decide what to do that would get me in the least trouble before it finally came to me that it was SATURDAY!
Not for a moment did I then wonder if I was losing it. Mostly, I just worried that someone might have seen me standing out there with my school books and everyone would know about it soon. 😕

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Posted by OldMetalHeadI hit a new weight milestone this week. Still trying for the six-pack.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by JonnaBononnaI had finally gotten back on track after gaining back most of the weight I lost a couple of years ago.

Posted by JurneeI have to say, as an overweight karate instructor, this is the one patch that I was ok with never getting.

Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

Posted by DotLewis7 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Been quiet around here lately. I've not been on vacation, just keeping a low profile and trying to stay on top of things. Are those things incompatible?

Posted by DotLewis26 Sept.

Posted by MyMrsFifiAte my tiny meal...... Still hungry.... Waiting for snack time like this......

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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