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03/09/2018 - Diet Diary - Much yet to do tonight, cauliflower to chop and put up, likely in freezer, although I might hold out for making a cauli dish tomorrow. Also have to clean and prep butternut squash for roasting. Had hoped to keep this task for several weeks yet but unfortunately I knocked the squash, a large one from a truck farmer, causing a bruise and breaking the skin so it will not keep as hoped. I do love butternut squash, cut in chunks, given a spritz of olive oil than garlic, salt and pepper then roasted.

Meanwhile, calorie intake for today was at 1155. The FitWatch site is proving to be kind of fun as I get better at finding my way around it. I can also track exercise on it and weight, measurements and BMI. Biggest downside I can see is that I don't have a "smart" phone and my Kindle Fire works fine with the site but it is wifi only so when I travel, tracking stuff on it is't always feasible. Will have to return to the notebook at those times.
Hope everyone had a day that made them contented.

DotLewis 7 Sep 4
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I am sticking to my notebook. Trying to get the site to work on my phone just got me to frustrated that I felt like eating! I will just use digital media for checking calorie content.

CeliaVL Level 7 Sep 5, 2018

I understand. I have a basic flip phone, just for the security of having it when I travel. I've had no interest in a smart phone because I know it would drive me.crazy trying to see things or do things on it. I have a Kindle Fire tablet and it is bad enough. Trying to type on those small screens would put me over the edge.

I went with a notebook for 14 months, it worked well for me. I may end up back in one anyway, definitely when I travel. I'm still using the notebook as a journal for my progress.

@DotLewis First day looking good, but then the first day is always pretty easy! I'm really tired after travelling back from my holiday so i shall feel justified in cutting the day short and letting an early night prevent any late lapses.

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Posted by OldMetalHeadI hit a new weight milestone this week. Still trying for the six-pack.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by JonnaBononnaI had finally gotten back on track after gaining back most of the weight I lost a couple of years ago.

Posted by JurneeI have to say, as an overweight karate instructor, this is the one patch that I was ok with never getting.

Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

Posted by DotLewis7 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Been quiet around here lately. I've not been on vacation, just keeping a low profile and trying to stay on top of things. Are those things incompatible?

Posted by DotLewis26 Sept.

Posted by MyMrsFifiAte my tiny meal...... Still hungry.... Waiting for snack time like this......

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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