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07/09/2018 - Diet Diary - Much of the day so far was spent in the kitchen. Made a bread pudding as I had most of a loaf of French bread I got over a week ago. Took me 60 years to learn to make a good bread pudding. Not diet food however. Took some to the neighbor and my friend who I'm going to visit next Wednesday will get some, frozen. She loves it and doesn't like to cook. After today, I'm not such a fan either. Clean up is a bitch. Also canned 4 quarts of rhubarb apple sauce/butter. (depending on how you want to eat it)

Due to bread pudding and the mistake of eating a serving before working up the calories in the recipe analyzer, I went over today by 80 calories. The serving size has now been officially cut in half. Tomorrow will cut it into pieces and wrap for freezing. It freezes well and lasts for months as I keep it in the basement freezer so it takes premeditation to eat it. Every once in a while it is nice to have a piece on hand.

DotLewis 7 Sep 7
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Love bread pudding but I am not sure I could be allowed anywhere near it st the moment. I just about did alright on my calorie count yesterday, ending the day just under 1000 , but was put to the test by my husband bringing in a dish of figs he had just picked. I managed to restrict myself to two of the smallest. The rest will mostly have to be given away!

CeliaVL Level 7 Sep 8, 2018

I looked at a recipe for bread pudding. Gained 2# just reading the recipe and looking at the photo. I'll be eating zucchini all weekend to make amends.

mtnhome Level 7 Sep 8, 2018

You really have to watch those virtual calories. They seem harmless but then the next day, the scales disappoint. The next worst thing are the shopping calories, the ones you pick up while walking slowly past the bakery rack at the grocery. I try to keep my bread pudding low call but hey, it is after all BREAD! I've even tried eating zucchini bread instead. Doesn't help. 😉


I'm back, finally. Been sticking to my 1200 cal vegan diet. Have a Dr. appointment Tuesday 10th, and will weigh.

EdEarl Level 8 Sep 7, 2018

Good to have you back! Been kinda quiet around here with you gone. @CeliaVL has started chiming in, she is getting a fresh start on her new eating plan. I've mostly been sticking to my plan, raised the "allowance" to 1270 but most of the time don't get there. Then there has been a day here and there that didn't go quite so well.
Good luck with your Dr. appointment. Always a stressor, even when they aren't going to do anything mean to you. (at least it is for me) Feel free to take back the daily diary post. I still have to think about it to do the date. 😀

@DotLewis Thanks. Good to hear CeliaVL has joined us, and that you are continuing. Admin gave Battling Obesity to me while my computer was down; said, it's easy. Got a persistent wound on my foot, which may require a trip to a podiatrist. Anyway, it's stopped my walking exercise. 😟

It's possible my PC was hacked. The problem was weird.

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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