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26 Jan 2019 - Diet Diary - Damn! Where did the time go? Seems like just yesterday it was January 25th. šŸ˜‰ Leave your progress/lack of reports below or just say hi and what you are doing.

Got a base built for the cabinets, now to get it level, given that the floor is not level. Plane, sander and maybe chisels will be on board tomorrow. Little annoyed that I did not return the stud finder to it's proper place after the last use and now I need it to find where to attach the cabinets. Bought one of those cheap, magnetic ones today but they are WAY harder to use.

OM.... You guys just saved my day. While lamenting about losing track of my stud finder, it occurred to me that maybe I left it in the top of the bathroom cabinets when I finished. I had left some tools and trim nails on the top shelf. Had to trot in there and SURE ENOUGH, there was the stud finder! Yes, I will be able to locate my anchor points tomorrow. COOL!!

Intake today was 1230 with salt double the RDA. If I come to a point where I really have to limit salt, I will be in trouble. Stuff I'm so accustom to using, like canned soup (in recipes) add so much salt and I don't think about it until I check the daily report. On the up side, the new med regimen seems to be working, BP is not popping up in the evening since I started it. Still get cold hands though.

-2.8 lbs by Feb 15.

DotLewis 7 Jan 27
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Cold hands a problem for me...and I live in Florida! Kudos for staying on your diet!

Robecology Level 9 Jan 27, 2019

Do you have Raynaud syndrome? I had a few episodes over the years.but this year it hit me with a vengeance. I may have triggered it in the fall, when I set out to repaint the gable on my house, which involved many hours of detail sander use. My feet also get cold but they don't go numb and blanch. Living in Kansas doesn't help since exposure to cold will trigger it. Have to wear gloves when I need to dig for something in the freezer. eye roll

@DotLewis I never asked a doc to name the issue; I just know my hands and feet get cold easily. Iā€™m ā€œMediterranean -bloodedā€ so I need the warm climate....

@Robecology Raynaud's, you get this kind of behavior in the fingers. Note the color, or lack of, in the ring finger. The pinky was starting to recover. When the vessels spasm the finger will not only be cold and colorless but also numb. It can effect feet as well, thankfully, I've never had that. I've always been prone to cold hands and feet, especially at certain times of the day/night but this is the first year I've had this kind of problems. I lived in the desert, many years ago, always liked it but it never worked out for me to return. Might have to rethink that for my "golden years".

@DotLewis Wow; that certainly is a differently colored finger. Nope...I guess I donā€™t have that one.

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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