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5 Feb 2019 - DIet Diary - Skipped another day yesterday. Feeling very tired last night, gave up and went to bed early after taking a nap from 7:30-9:00PM. Intake was around 1500, salt above RDA. Today went better, intake 1320, salt however was over 2600, soup again. COLD has returned however and I am just not handling it well. Tomorrow is to be colder, hope to stay in most of the day.

Got some work done on the cabinets, have the upper cross cabinet hung. Only one more cabinet to hand then will build the shelf stack up the side. Still doing a little design work on that, trying to decide whether to do all the shelves the same distance apart or make the lower ones further apart than the upper ones. Most likely they will all be used to hold popcorn tins, which I have a number of and use for a lot of storage like noodles, crackers, mixes and such.

I hope progress will speed up a bit but that depends on my work output. I need to think about doing the wall before I finish the cabinets as I want some texture on the exposed area, bit of a "Venetian plaster" technique which already exists on the other dining room walls. After the cabinets are all up and the wall is painted, I have laminate flooring to put down in the room. Not what I would buy now but I got it some time ago and didn't get it down. Mostly it is lighter than I would choose today but it will be OK, give the floor a clean look. Well, a warm bed is calling, need to catch up a bit more.

DotLewis 7 Feb 6
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Wow; I'd say you're doing great. The most important number is the weight..same time, every AM. As long as you're creeping downward or even level for a day or can pat yourself on the back. Baby steps.


It sounds as if the final effect will be really good. What are popcorn tins? I don't think we have them in the UK.

CeliaVL Level 7 Feb 6, 2019

You can see one in the second picture, on the rounded shelf. They showed up on the market 30 some years ago and for years almost every store had them on the shelves around Xmas time. They were 11 inches tall, 10 inches diameter and generally had a three way cardboard divider in them. Each section of the divider contained a different flavor of popcorn, most commonly butter, cheesy and caramel. The outside of the tin was decorated with colorful pictures or designs, often with a Xmas theme. Below is a great picture of one showing the contents.

I collected a number of these and most are used to store items in. I have one with candles in it and I use some to store the pet foods in. They are particularly handy for storing grain based food, like noodles, cake/bread mixes and flour. Because I have birds and do dog rescue, there have been times when there has been an outbreak of pantry moths. They are relentless in seeking new places to lay eggs, infesting any number of grain products. I found that the tins were one thing they could not conquer so I took to using them to protect my food stuff.

Sadly, these tins, which were very affordable, have suffered at the hands of greed and capitalism as has much here in the states. The tins are not only smaller than they used to be, they are now more commonly "filled" with 3, rather small (maybe 3-4 cups) bags of flavored popcorn. Price remains comparable to years ago but you get much less corn and smaller cans. I've not purchased one for probably 10 years but my old ones serve me well.

@DotLewis Thanks for the detail! The popcorn tin looks nice. Although I deprecate excessive packaging as much as anyone, I do like it when things I was going to buy anyway come in pretty boxes and tins! I know what you mean about food moths. We had an infestation some years ago and keep a very careful eye on dry goods now -I agree, keeping them in tins seems to be an effective method.

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