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1 March 2019 - Diet Diary - Today turned out to be pretty nice but it is just mother nature catching her breath before she blasts us the next 3 days. Definitely soup making weather by Sunday. Salad again today, no broccoli this time. Time for a fresh pot of soup. Intake today was 1100, just under that for salt.

Got out to run some errands today, mailed dog tags & chips to a foster, got a seatbelt fix ordered for my truck, got dowel rod for the shelf under the cabinet and got that shelf hung. It needs more paint but is installed and the side shelves are also attached. Shelf isn't quite tall enough for cookbooks which was the original plan. Time to cull the cookbooks again, anyway.

Giving up books is really hard for me even though most of the recipes I use are in my recipe box. I'm a bit of a book hoarder I fear, have over 1200 books in the house but getting rid of more than a couple dozen at a time is about the best I can muster. I have to live in my house until I die because if I go to a nursing home and leave this collection to my son, he will kill me. 😮

DotLewis 7 Mar 2
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When I move from this house I shall get rid of all my cookery books except maybe two or three genuine favourites. I'm not a keen cook and rely mostly on a basic repetoire, so they are just collecting dust. What is the floor in your kitchen?

CeliaVL Level 7 Mar 2, 2019

No more than I use them, I could get rid of most of them but books are SO hard for me to let go of. I did thin the ranks out several years ago, got rid of a couple boxes of books, including a number of cookbooks. Fortunately there are places that take books and find them new homes. If there are "sins" in this world that we will eventually pay for, I believe that wastefulness is one of the biggest.

I do enjoy cooking, that makes a differ and i have several cookbooks that I keep for odd reasons, like the ones the dog rescue I'm in put out and one that is nothing but soups. I do enjoy soup. There may have to be some culling soon though as I only allowed a 12" space for them so can't have too many.

As to the kitchen/dining room floor, it is ghastly! It is a combination of very old tiles which the previous owners glued foam backed carpet to in the dining room and sheet vinyl in the kitchen. The old tiles, while very dated (and possibly containing asbestos) would not have been horrible had it been feasible to clean the glue, foam and vinyl remnants off them. They retain patches of dirty looking foam/glue residue and in much of the kitchen the pattern is completely obscured.

I have new vinyl tiles to put down in the kitchen and a light (maybe maple?) colored laminate flooring for the dining room and hallway. Have not wanted to start that project until i got this cabinet project done though. Now that the cabinets and window seat are done(or close) I hope to paint the rest of the hallway then start on floors. I'm seriously tired of the ugly floor.

@DotLewis It's sad that you couldn't reclaim the original floor but it might not have been nice. Your new floors sound good, and suitable for the other stuff you are doing. It sounds as if you have set yourself quite a task! When I leave here and move to my final house, I shall come to you for tips.

@CeliaVL Yes, would have liked old wood floors but under that part the original floor was under way too many layers. I did "salvage" the original floor in the library and some day I may save the one in the front room/craft room. The floors are not hardwood, they are yellow pine, close to 100 years old with a little cupping so those floors aren't beautiful, like a nice oak, walnut or maple floor but they have character. 🙂
The new floors do promise to be a labor intensive project.
When you get to it, don't hesitate to holler, I love talking construction, renovation or whatever.

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