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10 March 2019 -Diet Diary - Productive day, got the trim cut, applied and painted. Will need a second coat on the baseboard which I will do tomorrow. Shelves still need paint, then can start putting stuff in the cabinets. May start that painting tomorrow as well.

I'm enjoying working on this project. I really need to get my basement cleaned out and organized again so I can access my power tools more easily. When my dad died I moved a bunch of stuff from his house to my basement and garage. Lot of the stuff needs to go to thrift stores, trying to sell most of it takes more time and effort than I'm wanting to give it. If spring ever comes, I can set up a "shop" outside so I can expand my workspace.

Intake today was 1160 with salt almost the same. I was surprised by the salt count as I had soup for supper and that usually jacks the sodium up. BP has been good lately, although I'm not taking it nearly as often. May have taken a little time for the second med to take effect. Hands and eyes both feeling better today which made working more enjoyable. Well, better stop, DST in spring encourages me to stay up even later.

DotLewis 7 Mar 11
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I'm confused about your salt worries. your intake doesn't seem that high to me - are you supposed to be on a very low salt diet? Also, do you cook your own food - you said that soup puts up your salt intake, but if you make your own, do you put salt in it? Not criticising, just wondering. Kitchen looking good!

CeliaVL Level 7 Mar 11, 2019

I don't know why I keep checking the salt, it does not appear to be a significant factor in my blood pressure issues. I dp eat mostly homemade soup but I often use canned chicken broth when I make it. Had I stocked up on low sodium broth instead of regular or if I made my own, it would make a difference. If I end up on a low salt diet, i will have to do this. When I cook other stuff, i usually use alternative seasoning, like Mrs. Dash.

@DotLewis Does no harm to check the salt and keep it low and who knows, it might be doing you good!

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