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14 April 2019 - Diet Diary - So much fun! Don't I just love these home improvement projects? Well, I was OK with it through the nailing and the patching over all the nails and seams and the sanding (not yet done) to prepare for tiles but not so much when I realized I was missing 9 tiles. I know I had 30, the box was sealed when I bought it but along the line since getting them I apparently took out some tiles and have NO idea where I put them. On more careful examination and more measuring, figured out that even if I find the 9 tiles, it will be touch and go to make the layout work.

So, since the only place that still has these tiles is Home Depot and the one store that is "only" 90 miles from here has only 4 of them, I just ordered another box of 30, which will take 10 days to arrive. All I have to do is protect the lovely, clean, wood underlayment from any damage until they arrive. Will put down as many as possible starting tomorrow as I can't live with the stove and fridge and dishwasher scattered around the house for 10 more days. If I arrange them strategically, the appliances can be put back in place. So, did anyone else have a fun Sunday?

Didn't check in yesterday, just lost time while stewing over what I was going to do with the floor and finally had to go to bed. Finished up yesterday around 1250. Today's intake was 1050-1100. I pushed the bounce back, now if I can just keep it at/below my May 15 goal for a few days it should stick.
Picture is the flooring materials I will be putting down. Two colors of tile in kitchen, laminate in the dining room. The laminate is old, bought it number of years ago and never got it installed. Not the color I would choose if I was buying it now but, oh well. The brown cabinet will be white when I'm done.

DotLewis 7 Apr 15
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That is very frustrating! But well done for giving up the search and ordering more tiles. I have wasted so much time looking for things I know must be there! When you have finished the kitchen and the dining room floor is that it? or do you have plans for other rooms in your house? Otherwise, what will you do to keep busy? For me keeping busy is the best way to avoid putting unneeded food in my mouth.

CeliaVL Level 7 Apr 15, 2019

Being done is no more than a dream! I resurrected my to-do list from the old kindle that was too dead to charge. (Did manage to charge it) If I get to live until all my projects are done, I should make it to 110 easy.
The list includes flooring through much of the house, although not all is as bad as the kitchen was, i still hoped to replace the old carpets with laminate. Wisdom of age might encourage me to settle for having new carpet installed. There are also a myriad of other tasks on the list, such as replacing soffits, redoing the bathroom, cleaning out the basement. Needless to say, I will have sufficient things to do in coming years, I'll have to wait to see how much I get done.

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