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3 May 2019 - Diet Diary - Nice weather today, sunny and warm enough to be outside for a couple hours. Pulled a bunch of weeds, trimmed and other yard work. Had over half a trash can (standard outside type) of weeds when I was done. Was a rather cathartic activity, just pulling up stuff I didn't want in the yard or garden, not thinking about anything except which weed to pull next. Unfortunately, I did NOT get out the garden gloves so now my hands have a good start on the "summer stain" that will not wash out and will probably take until November to get rid of.

Evening wasn't so good for eating, was going to make cauliflower soup but couldn't find any ham. I like a little chopped into the soup. In the process, found a frozen container of cauliflower mac & cheese and decided, heck with cooking, I was microwaving. This recipe wasn't a low cal as some, it actually has macaroni in it as well as cauliflower. Think the day ended between 12-13K. Need to put a check on the salt, yesterday and today both I took in more than I should. The good news, I'm on day 4 of getting to bed earlier and I am on my way as soon as I post this. 🙂

DotLewis 7 May 4
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I have learnt from you to use more cauliflower, so thanks for that! Having the macaroni as well as the cauli and cheese sounds a bit of a bad idea. I would do one or the other, though macaroni cheese isn't as much of a standby in the UK as it seems to be in the US. I remember it from my childhood but it has rather gone out of fashion. I agree weeding can be very satisfying but these days I feel bad if I pull them out rather than cutting them off as my soil scientist son is at the forefront of the no-plough movement which tries to persuade people to leave the roots in the soil and just take the tops off, so as to do less damage to the soil. It sounds as if you are sleeping better so that is good news.

CeliaVL Level 7 May 4, 2019

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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