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I got my shoes for diabetics and started walking today, about 300 steps with about half carrying my walker. It has been so long, I'm not very coordinated...don't breathe while waling, LOL.

EdEarl 8 May 13
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Good luck! I hope you make steady progress. I can relate to the breathing - I find I am holding my breath with some of my exercises.

CeliaVL Level 7 May 14, 2019

Holding one's breath is common when exercising. Once we realize it, we can change that behavior, and make breathing while exercising a habit.


Good for you, Ed. Sounds like you are doing better and you are on the way to that lawn mowing. Coordination will increase quickly as you practice. Like riding a bike. 🙂

DotLewis Level 7 May 14, 2019

I agree. I started a fast last night, and intend to go for more than 24 hours, which is supposed to encourage stem cell production, which improves healing. Exercise sometimes causes injury, so I hope to heal more quickly. My recent foot ulcer took too long to heal.


Congrats, and good luck to you 🙂


1 sorry for your struggle...wishing you a regaining of strength and vitality!

Robecology Level 9 May 13, 2019

Thanks. I'm 74 and have been off my feet for about 15 years. I'm feeling good about starting to walk again, and it is a pleasure to "struggle." Been looking forward to this day for quite a while.

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