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21 May 2019 - Diet Diary - Well, day two of rain. Feeling soggy and I haven't even been outside more than 10 minutes. Did fill my rain barrel today, it isn't connected to a gutter but I have a piece of gutter which I propped up on the barrel with the other end on a snow shovel handle (might still need that) and it wasn't long before it was running over. Spent the day in sweats and fleece again but tonight it is to be even colder, predicted low of 36° so that whole "not turning on the furnace again" thing is starting to falter. Thinking about getting out of bed in the morning and I'm afraid I just won't. My attachment to those covers may overwhelm my urge to do ANYTHING, other than possibly pee.

Intake today was under 1200, didn't check salt but since a cup of cauliflower soup was in that menu, it probably hit the RDA. OK, curiosity got me, went and checked. It was 2015, about 500 over RDA. Biggest hits were the soup and the salad dressing. Still not hydrating enough so hopefully the salt won't cause a problem. Still holding to the earlier bedtime so now, at 12:11AM, I'm off to get ready.

DotLewis 7 May 22
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Do you use a salt substitute? I've never tried one since i don't have a problem with salt, but I've heard they have to be used very carefully so they may not be a good answer. Sometimes fresh herbs can spice up flavours in place of salt. Have you tried adding fresh chopped mint or basil to your cauliflower soup instead of salt?

CeliaVL Level 7 May 22, 2019

I sometimes use one but generally don't add extra salt to my food. Problem is, with many of the soups I make, I use canned broth which is high in salt. I will start buying low sodium broth but what I have on hand is salted.

@DotLewis unfortunately almost all shop bought food is high in both sugar and salt.

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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