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8 June 2019 - Diet Diary - Well, it appears my yard is "infested" with Creeping Bellflower. Nasty stuff, runs underground in a big way. What started years ago as a remnant of it in a clump of iris someone gave me has now covered most of the north side of my yard, half the flowerbed on the north east part of the yard and made it's way clear to the south edge of the yard by way of the flowerbed on the south east portion. Spent 2 hours today trying to dig it out of the garden. It's root system is massive and if you leave any behind, it will sprout. Between that and the Quack Grass, I have days of digging to do.

Kept the food urges at bay today, finished it at 1072. Couple times was tempted to look for something yummy but managed to avoid it. Thought about a final cup of coffee but decided I didn't need it. Had it been cold, would probably have given in to that urge. I should be getting ready for bed but it is kicking up a storm and that tends to cause me anxiety and I don't like going to bed unless I know it will just be rain. We could use some rain now but I don't like severe weather. Guess I will try turning in anyway, not dong any good sitting here by the window and hearing the thunder.

DotLewis 7 June 9
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I know what you mean about being anxious when a storm's brewing...but may I recommend a non-caffeinated drink for the evening? Chamomile really does mellow me out....and you don't have to have a calorie-filled cup if you're OK with artificial sweeteners...

Robecology Level 9 June 9, 2019

I stick to decaf coffee after 6PM, I already stay awake too late. I sometimes do tea instead, chamomile is great, also like a seasonal tea, "Candy cane lane" which is peppermint but has vanilla and some other flavors in it. Can only buy it around Christmas.

I've been antsy when storms are coming every since 1981 when an F-3 tornado came through Lawrence, a block from where I lived with my 2 year old, in a mobile home. While we really got lucky, no damage to us or the house, walking back from the shelter, within 1/2 block of our place trailers were flipped and one was missing it's outer shell, the inner walls were still there.

We actually didn't run for shelter until the tornado was basically there because the radio station was announcing that although they couldn't see much because of the rain, they did not see any sign of a tornado. Turns out they were too far out and rain was so intense they couldn't see it even though it was visible from 30 miles away. The pic of the tornado was taken in Olathe, 30 miles from Lawrence. For a few years, when the wind kicked up on a storm, I would tense right up. Still get uneasy.

@DotLewis You're in tornado alley....OK...that explains some of your fears.

I'm in hurricane alley....not quite the same "fears" but we watch the tropical weather maps closely; especially in the late summer and fall. I have strong and expensive sliding shutters on all my windows that I'm required to close if I leave for more than a couple of days.

So I hear you.

@Robecology Hurricanes scare me worse than tornadoes. To me they are like giant tornadoes that run around the ocean and the coastline. When they come, you can't really "miss" them. (or they miss you) Tornadoes can swing through the neighborhood and still miss you (as I witnessed) while taking the neighbors. Guess it is kind of luck of the draw on escaping them. Hope hurricane season is kind to you.


I hope the storm passed and wasn't too bad. Extreme weather is going to be more and more of a worry in the future. We are all going tp have to upgrade our protection against it, whether it is storms or droughts! Here, we are having to accept that we can't keep all our plants and trees going - the watering is getting beyond us.

That was a good calorie count. It sounds as if you have regained your rhythm. Good luck with getting rid of your invasive plants!

CeliaVL Level 7 June 9, 2019

It turned out fine, the bad system broke just before getting to us and passed on each side of Norton. We got rain but just regular, no hail or downpour. I worry about what we are in for in the coming years, I fear weather will get worse and worse as climate change worsens. Humans may have run the course of their time as dominant species on the planet. Perhaps being old(er) is a plus, good chance I could be dead before the planet kills us all. Gee, aren't I the morbid one? Maybe I shouldn't waste a lot of time worrying about the invasive plants. 😉

@DotLewis I think it's like free will even if we don't believe in it we live as if we do! Sometimes I think I would like to live another hundred years just to see what happens. Other times I feel I wouldn't mind if I died tomorrow.

@CeliaVL I know what you mean. Lately I have thought I would love to be able to "time travel" so I could go forward and see what the world will come to in the next decades. Then I also have those moments when I think it might be gone before the real shit-storms hit. Guess it will just have to play out as it will but it can sure be depressing.

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Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

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Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

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Posted by MyMrsFifiAte my tiny meal...... Still hungry.... Waiting for snack time like this......

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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