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20 June 2019 - Diet Diary - Can't take it! Big storm has kicked up, lights off and on, thunder and lightening, very, very frightening! 😉. No, it really is anxiety producing. I decided to go to bed early. Midnight, I was in, with my kindle, hoping electric doesn't go again. Turned setting on freezer and fridge down so they would not be running when power flicks. Don't want to blow the compressors. But, have to remember to get up after the storm and turn them back on. Wind was blowing hard! Scattering stuff all over, laying the bushes down.

Intake was low today, ended at 918. Schedule was full today and I eat light before water classes. Hoping this lets up soon, the dog is in a panic and I'm not far behind her.

DotLewis 7 June 21
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You seem to have a lot of storms and also to worry about them a lot. Are you in particular danger of flooding or storm damage? I enjoy storms - they are such a dramatic exhibition of nature's power - but I am not in any particular danger and I don't have any animals. Stay safe!

CeliaVL Level 7 June 21, 2019

Spring cam be rough here. "Tornado alley" is what they call a swath of the middle of the country, we're on the edge of it. Been close a few times so when the weather really kicks up, it !makes me nervous. Regular thunderstorms don't bother me but there were tornado warnings with this one while it was west of here.

As to damage, I have a HUGE tree north of the house which has been losing condition the last couple years. Not obviously dying but with some dead branches. With the wind last night I had a little concern about something coming down on the roof. "Flooding" is only a problem with water in the basement if it rains really hard. It didn't seem to be raining that hard last night. However, ANY thunder will send Nibs into an anxiety attack, shaking and panting and trying to stand right under my feet.

It blew past about an hour after I posted last night so we all settled down then. Today, sunny and warm.

@DotLewis Tornadoes must be very frightening. I hope you have a good strong house - when we see post-tornado pictures hardly any of the houses seem to be built of brick or other solid materials.

@CeliaVL Nah! People around here are like the second little pig, all build our houses out of sticks. But, stick houses with pits under them so when it comes, you throw yourself and your pet (or whatever) into the pit. Never been hit but came close once, it was within a block of my house, at that time a mobile home. Just down the block, maybe 100 m away, trailers were destroyed. Never saw it. Did see one once and if you are back a few miles and it is clear enough to see them, they really are kind of awesome looking.

@DotLewis what is the reason behind the fragile houses? Is it easier to rebuild after a tornado, or are brick or concrete block houses too expensive?

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