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18 July 2019
Yesterday was a bust. I ate way too much, and I'll let everyones imagination run rampant.

Today, I've had a half cup frozen blueberries. Have already done 30 minutes of aerobic arm exercises, and some chores. I feel OK again; though, lugging around over 100 lbs of extra weight makes me tire quickly.

One of my daily battles is keeping from losing motivation. It would be easy to slip back into my bad eating habits and eat myself to death. Though, I've never seriously considered killing myself, I have become depressed a few times.

The flip side is being excited about doing all kinds of things I've not been able to do for the past two decades, like mow the lawn and fix a leaky toilet. I was dependent on others to do those things for a very long time, and I really want to be independent (have freedom again).

EdEarl 8 July 18
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1 comment

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I think you've shared your particulars before; that you've lost a lot of weight, but have a lot to go.

Let me just react as a relative stranger and remind you how many DO "eat themselves to death" - and for some reason you've chosen not to do that took, and takes...a lot of courage..a LOT!

Let me share a meme/map that illustrates how the rest of the nation is falling in to that food addiction hole that you've decided to climb out of.

That takes courage.

Keep on keepin' on, Ed. your posts inspire me, at least.


Robecology Level 9 July 18, 2019

Thanks. You make it sound like I've been on a dragon quest, but it is really much easier than that IMO.

@EdEarl "Dragon quest" might be a little exaggerated; but I do recall you mentioning losing many pounds...that's no small task. Again, kudos. Give yourself some credit.

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Posted by OldMetalHeadI hit a new weight milestone this week. Still trying for the six-pack.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by JonnaBononnaI had finally gotten back on track after gaining back most of the weight I lost a couple of years ago.

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Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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