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25 July 2019 - Diet Diary - My quick dip yesterday was rescinded, back up to 139.4 today. Not unexpected after my little binge last night. Today was good, finished at 1001 calories. Didn't even notice the light eating until after swimming. Ate more then than I needed to, just because I had plenty of leeway. Bought some tomatoes at the farmer's market so ate a couple of them with some chicken, grapes and pecan salad.

I think @EdEarl1 is onto something with the "plant based" thing. Not that I'm giving up meat but this week I had a kale smoothie a couple mornings. Used to have them regularly but hadn't for a while. Noticed this week than on the days when I have one for "breakfast" it is several hours (as in, significantly longer than normal) before I am hungry or for than matter, really think about eating.

Picking chokecherries this week, not sure what to do with them. I have enough jelly and syrup, will search for ideas but may give away the fruit. Too bad I can't swap them for RIPE tomatoes. HOT days here but nights still get cool enough much of the time that it is really tampering with the tomato growth patterns. By this time of year I am usually getting plenty of tomatoes from my garden. I have yet to pick ONE although there are a FEW green ones, which have been there for weeks now.

Need to go to bed NOW. Suddenly thought about how a cup of (decaf) coffee would taste. Of course I don't drink it black so not calorie free. Bed is the better alternative since it is after midnight anyway. Early for me but still working on keeping bedtime NOT so late.

DotLewis 7 July 26
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The climate vagaries are causing all sorts of problems with food crops at the moment - Spain is predicting big rises in the prices of salad vegetables. It's good to grow your own but even then you have to deal with what the weather throws at you!

CeliaVL Level 7 July 26, 2019

I concur on the smoothies..and they lend themselves to infinite varieties. Different kinds of milk, fruit, veggies, yogurt

My current "fad" is no fat, high protein greek yogurt with fruit...can be made thin (to drink it) or thick with frozen fruit and ice.

Mango's just ending their season here in S.Florida....there's plenty of it available...and it good!

Robecology Level 9 July 26, 2019

I've developed quite a taste for mangos. Never had one until a few years ago since they are obviously not native here and are rarely a promoted fruit in stores here. Their appearance in the local market is still inconsistent and rarely "on sale".

I use a lot of pears in my smoothies and always, frozen bananas. The pears are abundant because I have a wonderful Bartlett pear tree (although it is getting old) and have a supply of canned, frozen and dried pears. The other staple in my smoothie is kale, which I keep a supply of in the freezer. Summer and fall I eat a lot of fresh kale but prefer frozen in smoothies as it adds to the "frozen treat"quality of the drink.

Beyond that, a second green is desirable. Romaine lettuce or spinach are good options. If not, in summer I have used Lambsquarter but is a delicate balancing act when doing that as too much will lend a "weedy" taste to the mix. I sometimes add some yogurt, milk or fruit juice, depending on what is handy. Sometimes, just water is added to thin to a blendable consistency.

I do enjoy them and last year I had them several times a week. Over the winter I backed off making them and recently realized I hadn't had one for months. Winter is when I really should have them as I eat way less kale then, aside from adding frozen or dried to soups, smoothies are the only way I use it after the hard freezes take the fresh.

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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