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Sad , frustrating , that I know what to do but can t seem to do it again. I have lost 99 pounds several times over my lifetime and I know how to do it but - - for what ever reasons now, I fail to be able to do what I did. I have been soul searching within myself to try to find the trigger that is causing my self sabatauge but again have been unsuccessful. I eat the most healthy diet that exists 99 % of all time, but just can;t do what I know needs to be done. I am going to try again these next 4 weeks - going away from my home, my natural habitat , to see if I can focus better on losing this blubber that is making my life so uncomfortable now.

FlaGoldenGirl 5 Aug 9
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I just scheduled 4 weeks away from my home in hopes of clearing the crap out of my mind and focus on health and diet control and start a new beginning. Again. Two weeks into it already. I still can't find the trigger that I need to start losing this blight of obesity. Trying. I can see that I am lonely for human communication, thinking of joining some diet group or program.


I have been following Dr Greger s information , watching the documentaries like What the Health and Forks over Knives, This seems to help me focus on not eating when I am not even hungry and works, continuing to eat even when I don't like the food and its does not even taste good. I often wonder what in the devil is wrong with me to do this. I read Dr Phil s book on dieting that points out that something is the Trigger for this kind of over eating, and I have been doing soul searching to try to identify what my Trigger to over eat is. A few summers ago I had terrible , painful acid reflux that no medication helped - so miserable - then I read that not eating dairy could cure it. I was willing to do anything so I did. I ate all day, morning to night , but no dairy,. Cucumber tomato onion sandwiches, huge salads, and the miracle happened. The horrible acid reflux disappeared, never to return and I lost 21 pounds over those 3 months. I am going to give this a try again. Now.


Posting about it right here has helped me. It's sort of a public "confession" so it lets you elaborate the good and not so good things you've done.

Remember this; Eating is a profound addiction.
Unlike most addictions, food addictions not only started before we could walk and talk; they were started by well-intentioned loved ones.

So take that in to perspective. You're fighting a steep uphill battle. It's easy to get tired of fighting.

But don't be angry at/with your parents. They did the best they could with what they knew.

Just dig your heals in and resist

I suggest letting hunger be "your friend" Most fit people tolerate hunger as a matter of fact; we food addicts can't. So try to allow hunger to be part of your day.

Some suggest a daily scale use, with keeping records...(I do) others are opposed. I haven't read the research on it one way or the decide.

But keep posting here. That's why this site's called "battling obesity" . it's a battle.

Save this image/GIF.


Thanks thank you. I get so down hearted with my struggle to just be normal weight , to walk better and be able to clip my own toenails . I have read and consulted some of the most famous scientist and yes, been told that some of us have a system programed to be obese. I know I use food for solace and delight even more now that I have retired . I try. My mom, aunts, cousins all were obese. Not only the diet but the lifestyle and our d n a. That combination is a killer. At 15 I had to diet for the first time, I remember it well. Now at 82 again my weight has climbed up beyond ok. Again now I am trying to focus on losing at lest enough to feel comfortable . Maybe sharing like this will be some comfort for me and help me . Gina in Miami

@FlaGoldenGirl Consider yourself very fortunate to have made it to 82. If you want to make 92 or 102, Now's the final push to throw off the mantle that's held you all your life. Good luck, good wishes. We're with you. Keep posting here...there are many who follow the progress of those of us who make our weight struggle please continue to share.

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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