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14 October, 2019 (again) Diet Diary - Was so tired last night I didn't even know what day it was. Still not enough sleep, early phone calls followed by poor sleep. Eating was better today but not back to normal, may take another day or two.

Rest of that long story about my visiting friend, trying to keep it compact.
Saturday she didn't get up until 1 PM and when she did I knew things were going bad. By the time I realized how far, she was already back in the bed, asked if she thought she needed to go back to the ER, she didn't, so I cleaned up an unpleasant mess she left in the bathroom. Woke her again, asked about going, she declined and mumbled some incomprehensible words and lapsed into sleep again. Called the ER and explained what I was seeing, nurse said could be from the drug thing, maybe the virus and if I was concerned could bring her in to be evaluated. Over the next hour disturbed her 3-4 more times, her responses remained rather disconnected sometimes incoherent so started telling her to put on shoes and housecoat so I could take her to the ER. She agreed but immediately went back to sleep. Tried a couple more times then stayed there, asking if she could get her shoes on. At this she said "no" but then to my relief said "need ambulance".

Ambulance arrived, EMTs took vitals and asked her if they could take her, she agreed and with a little negotiating to get wheeled chair/gurney through the twisted doorways in my 90 year old house, got her out and in the ambulance. In the next 2 hours at the ER they determined her WBC etc were through the roof, indicating major infection. They arranged to transfer her to Hays (90 miles away) as the local hospital was equipped for the kind of monitoring she needed and within 10 min had her loaded and gone. I called and told her sister, who lives with her, what was going on. By Sunday arrangements were made to transfer her across state to the Topeka Med Center as surgery was going to be done to drain an abscess that developed after surgery to remove a LapBand, which had migrated into her stomach. She called early today, before going to surgery, letting me know her sister would be in touch about arranging to get her car across the state. She sounded really rough, having developed a cough from hell. She is in the intensive care unit, likely for a few days as they work to control the sepsis.

It was not until she was gone from the hospital here and I was back home that I realized how stressed I had become over the situation. Although I KNOW I wasn't at fault, she was seen by medical professionals 2 times, including the day before and they didn't pick up on what was really going on, yet there was still that sense that I should have done more. Maybe called an ambulance as soon as I realized she was mentally out of it. Maybe checked on her earlier that day, maybe..... Well there are a lot of maybes.

Now the challenge is for me to come down off this stress induced cliff. My eating is off, my GI system is off, my sleep is off. I need to find some things to zen myself out of this state and back to my normal level of politically induced anxiety. May take a few days, may have to get creative. Have plenty of "busy work" (fall chores) to do but not all is relaxing. Hopefully, both my friend and I will be doing better in a short time.

DotLewis 7 Oct 15
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Growing old is not fun. Sad and sorry for your situation...

Robecology Level 9 Oct 15, 2019

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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