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Last evening my left foot started hurting; that's the foot which hurt continually for about five years, with no helpful pain med. I tried several, including morphine. This pain is different. The original pain was in my three little toes on my left foot; this time it is in the arch.

Since changing my diet, my body has eliminated the plaque from blood vessels. My doc said it was possible the feeling in my feet could return, but warned it might hurt as much as the original pain. I think that is happening.

EdEarl 8 Oct 16
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Hope whatever it is turns out to be temporary & not serious. You are walking again, could it be stress that the foot is unaccustom to? I had pain in my arch (bottom) and heel until I started wearing a heel cup. Was apparently the way I walked, I would repeatedly strain a tendon in my foot.

DotLewis Level 7 Oct 19, 2019

This new foot pain has abated. I'm continuing to walk, and increase my strength. Thanks for asking, and for the heel cup tip. Is the heel cup prescribed?

@EdEarl Not exactly " prescribed", the doctor I saw about the pain pulled it out of a cabinet and gave it to me. I've had it for years, seems indestructible. It is a very simple model, semi-clear semi-flexible plastic, no ridges, no built up areas and with a little wear, it conformed to my heel shape. I still have a problem with that foot. If I don't wear the cup I will on occasion get a sharp pain through my arch, which I presume is the tendon that caused the problem originally, straining. No more high heels for me. 😆

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