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My diet is, I think, going well, but ate chicken in Mexican food yesterday. So, today I walked further than usual. It has been slower to recover from being in a wheelchair than expected. Working out is foreign to my psyche, so I'm continually fighting with my lazy subconscious, which no doubt slows progress.

EdEarl 8 Nov 8
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A friend of mine, retired RN, came to visit me last month and she became septic from abdominal surgery she had 3 weeks earlier. She spent over a week in ICU, a total of 17 days in the hospital. She told !e that as she recovered she was complaining to the PT about how slow she was getting back on her feet. The PT had to remind her that it takes 3 days of rehab for every day you are "down". (Apparently info she did know but didn't think about when it was her).
SO, given the length of time you were not ambulatory, it is not surprising that it seems like progress is slow. It will take time to rebuild muscle you lost while you were stuck in the chair. Just think about where you were last November compared to now and keep moving forward because I know there is a lawnmower out there with your name on it. 😉

DotLewis Level 7 Nov 10, 2019

I remember hearing someone say a week recovery time per day in the hospital, but I will not live another 60 (3x) to 140 (7x) years. I'm hopeful my recovery is a bit faster. 🤗


Go, Ed. I think you still have progressed tremendously.

This group is aptly is a "battle" as I've said many times before.

Writing about it is'll get you back on track.

Kudos, sir.

Taking a break from a monotonous diet is like taking a holiday from work. A person needs to take a break occasionally.

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