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The Game Changers is a documentary on Netflix that explains why the best athletes are switching to a plant based diet.


EdEarl 8 Nov 9
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I watched the documentary. Definitely gave me some things to think about. I'm going try to slowly get back into eating a more vegan meals again. It made me feel better and I need to get back to it. I find it hard to stick with but I need to so I can feel better again. The struggle is real.

To change means breaking a habit, which is hard. Once you develop a new habit, you will find little desire to go back. Hang in there. Each of your favorite foods is a different habit. 😟

Vegan diet saved Dennis Kucinich life


I tried the veggie whopper.
Amazingly good.
But double the cost of a real meat burger.

The "meat" is a bit mushy, a bit strong "beefy" mouth feel nor flavor....but a decent meat/high protein/vegan substitute. The price is $7.99 (compared to half that for real beef) so as usual,, vegan/veggie folk will have to pay a premium to avoid meat....but kudos to Burger King for getting nationals production of a meat substitute off the ground.

I've substantially reduced my beef/pork/lamb intake...and I know that 10-20% of the animal production for meat is adding methane to the environment - which is 20X more potent than the more we boycott meat eating the better for our own personal health as well as our environment's

Robecology Level 9 Nov 11, 2019

Good for you. There is more environmental damage from meat production than you mentioned, including destruction of habitat, water use and fouling, and medicines in the meat and water.

@EdEarl I was being generous by allowing the 20% figure; worldwide it's closer to 10-15%. If you have evidence to the contrary, please share...

@Robecology I didn't dispute your reply, merely included additional effects.


Plant based is good but I like to mix it up a bit... Moderation is a good thing..

I've been eating meat occasionally, but after watching this documentary, I shall further reduce my intake of meat.

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