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16 Feb, 2020 - Diet Diary - Made a great soup today, hate to think of the salt content since it had chopped ham, canned chicken broth. can of red beans (drained & rinsed) cream of mushroom soup and cheese in it. Not salty was the broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, potato, onion and garlic. Very tasty. Kale smoothie for breakfast so, a heavy vegi/fruit day.

Hoping to move forward on the bathroom project tomorrow. Sunday, nothing open and of course, I need shims. Thought I had some, can't find them. Story of my life. Didn't feel like making my own, just called it quits for today. Projects just move so much slower than they did 20 years ago. 😟 Slower project times, more "snacking" time! 😮

DotLewis 7 Feb 17
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You got that right about "projects moving so much slower....I went to a party for kids on Saturday and marveled at their energy and vitality. It has to be genetic...this "slowing down" we experience. I fight it every day!

Robecology Level 9 Feb 17, 2020

Probably right. Seems like the majority of people get it from somewhere, suppose our ancestors is a reasonable source. 😉 Sadly, I find myself encountering tasks these days that would not have phased me at all 20 years ago, maybe a little 10 years ago but now I look at it and start thinking about who I could hire to do it.

Go back 30 years, I would change the oil in my truck myself. That one I did give up just because I just didn't feel like doing it anymore but some, like my currently proposed project, I would do but I'm just worried it will end up being too much and will cause a BIG problem.

So far, I've managed the underlayment on half the bathroom floor, put the vanity in place, built a cabinet "box" to supplement the vanity. I have that ready to install now then can install the counter-top, sink and faucet. Not worried about that much, although the box did give me some trouble but it was the first one I built from scratch.

Upcoming portion is more challenging. Second half of the bathroom needs done and this is where the toilet is. I have removed and installed toilets more than once. Replaced floor under toilet in one instance, without major problems. Now I can't remember HOW I did that.

I consider the prospect of pulling out the toilet, putting in the new sub-floor and underlayment, followed by the floor covering then replacing the toilet and I just stall out. I have been inquiring as to whether there are contractors who will do "rescue" projects for DIYers who are in over their head.

It makes me sad. I used to consider myself fearless when it came to taking on new challenges, I remodeled the kitchen completely on my own, including moving several of the cabinets, modifying one from a blind corner cabinet to a drawer and 2 door unit and installing tile counter-tops. I put cabinets (stacked wall cabs) in bathroom 3 years ago to make a floor to (almost) ceiling cabinet and last year I built a "pantry w/ coffee bar" in the dining room, using stock, unfinished cabinets. (pics below, sorry they are a bit fuzzy)

Loved doing it and even adapted to the wall drift which became apparent as the cabinets went up. This bathroom thing is actually the first time I have really found myself so unsure of my ability to accomplish what I want to. 😟 On that sad note, I'm going to bed. Have a cabinet to install tomorrow.

@DotLewis You're doing a lot more "do-it-yourself" than most of us your age/our be content in knowing that you're still taking on the projects that too many of us "hire an expert" to do.

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