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I weighed about an hour ago, and I've lost another 10 lbs (4.5kg). I will plateau at some weight, but I can keep my current diet forever because I'm not getting hungry.

EdEarl 8 Apr 4
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Yeah, me too on all you said. I do journal my food and know my fat and calories every day since almost a year ago when I ran into a 4-month plateau, but no gain. A little forensic investigating always shows me where I'm making errors of 100 calories/day and I have to adjust some of my habits. I've been losing 1-ounce per day for 3-years, but little things like creamer in coffee or creamy salad dressing can block that loss rate completely. Switched to teas with lemon & stevia and now make my own salad dressings for 1/4 the calories. When the weather gets a little nicer I can get out more and burn more calories.

mtnhome Level 7 Apr 17, 2018

That's fantastic. Good work.


Wow, that is so awesome

Rugglesby Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

The second you get into heavy caloric restriction you will. You also have to fill up a stomach that is now stretched out and will take that much more food before the chemical sensor at the top tells your brain it is full.

jperlow Level 7 Apr 4, 2018

That is an interesting hypothesis, please share references to experiments that demonstrate it's true. Although, I do believe it is true. I also believe biology is sophisticated and your hypothesis is only one part of an intricate reality, which we strive to understand. In any case, I appreciate your challenge.

@EdEarl no challenge. This is part of the pre op consultation process you will go over with a surgeon, your pre qualifying insurance mandated pre op dietician visits (assuming you aren’t doing cash) and your pre op psych screen.

To use a car analogy you are about to learn many things about how the parts work before the mechanic alters your fuel system, intake and exhaust and the software engineer gets to work on the engine computer

@jperlow Of course. Sounds much like the required diabetes classes. I learned some good things, but not about diet. My physician had already educated me on his preferences, and frankly, his preferences were IMO superior. So, doctors don't all agree on diet. Thus, each person must make up their own mind, or trust a doctor. I've studied my body and dietary needs extensively, and feel that a vegan rainbow diet is best for me, because it satisfies my hunger with fewer calories than other diets I have tried. I'm not perfect, I cheat regularly; today I ate a little cheese. I was celebrating. Now, I resolve to make the next 10 lbs melt faster. That is a hope to exercise willpower, which is a difficult thing to do.

@EdEarl You have no willpower. You weigh over 400lbs.

@jperlow Exactly, but my diet isn't controlled by willpower alone. If I try to push faster, that is. But, eating enough that I'm not hungry and eating a salad or some other vegetable rainbow in the evening is easy. The difficult part was to stop eating meat, fish, fowl, and other animal products like eggs and milk. It was a willpower battle that I won. I can change the foods I like. Anyone can.

@jperlow I was 450 at most, I'm now 377. That's 73 lbs lost, and I'm pretty sure I'll lose more.

@EdEarl that is close to what my surgical weight was, 366. I started around 420. Good luck.

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