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Fell from the horse again. I ate two cupcakes on Friday instead of lunch and I'm eating bread again. Carbs are so delicious. ????

Alkimia 4 June 3
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I think the most important thing is to just get right back on the train tomorrow. Too many people I know, whether they're dieting, quitting smoking, etc., use one fall off the wagon as an excuse to quit trying (at least until next year). I both lost weight and quit smoking by NOT falling into that trap! Get back on the train and you can do it!

Spooner Level 6 June 4, 2018

I know the feeling. Cupcakes are devastating for a healthy eating plan. I had one MINI-cupcake at a community picnic last weekend and freaked when I saw the calories... afterward. I would have enjoyed a plate of mixed veggies so much more! Lesson learned.

mtnhome Level 7 June 4, 2018

I also cannot stay away from bread. I made Spanish rice yesterday, to substitute for bread. It helped, but I tripped on a crust and fell.

EdEarl Level 8 June 4, 2018

I limit myself to no more then 140-calories of bread a day (not-coincidentally the exact amount in one Walmart Onion Roll), but most days have NONE of it. Not easy.


The diet is out of the window this week. Too much pressure.

CeliaVL Level 7 June 3, 2018

So skip the "diet" and just eat healthy veggies! Healthy eating eliminates all needs for "diets".

@mtnhome I wish it were that easy!


My Kryptonite is beer. Unfortunately, beer is the perfect bad carb and the bane of any diet.

GuyKeith Level 8 June 3, 2018

A friend of mine with one heart attack already under his belt called me yesterday to give me some good news. Since he'd watched me lose 75# in the past 3 years he stopped the beer completely on Jan 1 and has lost 22# with just that ONE change. But it gets better... his wife said if he'd stop the beer drinking she'd stop smoking..,. and she has! Make such a deal with your spouse or a good friend so you BOTH support each other and improve your health!

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