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One of the best I have seen in many ways. The editing alone is remarkable not to mention the conclusion, the topic, the story. This is a must see for women. Especially for women hungry for love & pursuing love online.

Mooolah 8 Nov 5
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Love is overrated. The realities of a relationship are money and sex. All else around the two is pretending. There can be a good companionship if the two issues are settled.

When young and immature, and hormones are high everything looks like love, prince/princess and a dream.

I only believe in good arrangements, honest agreements as informal as they maybe, but not in love.

People will begin understanding what love is if they can understand this:

~ Get Disney dreams out of the head, you are now a grown up
~ You are not Cinderella (men or women)
~ Relationships are not about rescuing you if you don't have your shit together
~ Life is not like the movies
~ You are not special
~ There is no soul mate. You can't know your soul; nobody will know your soul. There is only a good companion while you get along
~ Life is about realities - bills, budget, pragmatism, health, personal abilities/skills and responsibilities. The sooner you handle them better, the better will be the payoff
~ Drop freeloaders as quickly as possible
~ Your likelihood of getting a good enough match is only as good as you are. Don't expect taller, money, sexy, settled, education, intelligent if you are not any of them.
~ Being horny and liking someone and someone liking you back is not love

St-Sinner Level 9 Nov 5, 2021

Ah...It's a documentary about FRAUD, not love.

Recent Visitors 12


Posted by BDairA very accomplished woman.

Posted by BDairGreat documentary.

Posted by babyhumanistA couple days ago, I watched "Three Identical Strangers" for a fourth time.

Posted by LetzGetReal [] There is a documentary video available with a contribution.

Posted by Metaqueen70I have seen two documentaries lately the first one was called Monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci.

Posted by BrunosticA little humor. People who watch doc's are not known for it ?

Posted by PalacinkyCurious if any of you just saw this– "No Man’s Land: the takeover of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge by Anti-Government Militias" and what your opinions were: []

Posted by SpinlieselHi there, it's me.

Posted by JustChrisIf you love sushi, or if you love culinary crafts and the pursuit of perfection, you'll love Jiro Dreams of Sushi. [] Anthony Bourdain loves the guy. []

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