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On the benefits of high intensity in exercise.

"Brief, intense bursts of activity might account for only a small percentage of your daily caloric expenditure, but these few calories have a more profound effect on your body than anything else you do."


Mitch07102 8 July 25
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Eat less, move more.. Is my motto...
This article over complicates weight loss..

CB, that theory has been the dominant mode of thinking since roughly the 19070's. If a doctor prescribed a drug with that track record, she would rightly lose her license. Bodies are not machines, they are complex biodynamic systems.

Since then, more than 2/3 of Americans have become overweight or obese. Look at pictures of crowds from the 1970's and compare them to now. It is almost as if a new species has emerged, Americanus Waddlus. Go to your local Walmart and stand by the entrance and observe people for 5 minutes. It is sad, so many visibly unhealthy people. (I am not body shaming anyone. This is a health issue.)

If you wish to understand why your comment, while common, is so misinformed I strongly recommend that you read Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. I hope you do. Your health will benefit, as will that of your baby.

@Mitch07102 when I gave birth to daughter, I was a bit over weight.. So I went into my exercise routine, eat less, move more, and lost all the extra weight in a matter of weeks... It works for me.... Also, I exercise on an empty stomach so I'm burning fat the first few hours of my day...


Remember; Dot com means they have a license to fabricate information that may not be scientifically accurate. They're trying to sell their of course they'll say that.

Robecology Level 9 July 25, 2020

The benefits of HIIT have been well understood for many years, but is not the accepted dogma especially among those who ascribe to the (wrong) calories-in, calories-out model.

@Mitch07102 Sorry, Mitch; the science for calories in - calories out (google "the CICO model) has been proven.


@Mitch07102 He has products to sell.

The science remains.

Your body uses the calories you get from food to fuel your basal metabolic rate (BMR), digestion, and physical activity. When the number of calories you consume matches the number of calories you burn, your weight will remain stable.


@Robecology I strongly suggest you read Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Should you choose to do so, and I hope you do, you may be surprised. (Taubes is a three-time science writer of the year award winner.)


@Robecology PS He is a physician and author, of course he's products to sell. Hello? Having said that, his advice is free on YouTube.

You seem like a disciplined guy, so try this experiment. Let's say for the sake of argument you eat 2500 calories per day. (or whatever, you know the number) or 17,500 per week. Try this:

-Before you start, weigh your self and ideally, measure your body fat.
-For a month, two or even three days per week (water only, ideally with some salt and potassium) eat nothing but make sure the calories you don't eat on the off days you do eat on the feeding days. Keep your weekly total at 17,500.
-Make sure you are eating the same food as you do regularly.

You will almost certainly lose some weight, and have more lean muscle mass. This has been shown repeatedly. If the CICO model is correct, this can not be.


@Mitch07102 So you're suggesting a water-based fast? Then of course you will lose weight...unless on the off days you have a calorie excess.

Calories in...calories out.

More in than out? weight gain.
More out than in (high water diet) weight lost.

Hunger is more important than most realize.

Every animal...even most of our pets...experience hunger. We humans...with the abundant availability of snacks and food...rarely experience hunger.

Hence America is suffering an obesity epidemic.

Wanna fix it?

Don't be afraid of hunger.

No need to count calories....just let hunger in to your life.


@Robecology I am suggesting calories over a week are the same total but compressed into four eating days instead of seven. Spread the three any way you like. CICO is the same, but you will lose at least some weight and likely some fat. (I don't recommend plain water. Use water with some salt and potassium chloride, especially if you are active.)

You will benefit by learning about the role of insulin. We are far more complex than a mistaken application of the second law of thermodynamics to a complex biodynamic system.

Please read GCBC. When you have, get back to me.

@Mitch07102 Glad you found a system that works for you.
I weigh 142 and am in good health, and close to an ideal BMI height/weight ratio.

How's your BMI? at 5'6" and 142 I'm at 23.

Daily hunger works for me.

I won't buy books to read more about it....but thanks, again, for the discussion


@Robecology Likewise, I too am glad your system works for you as well. Obviously, there is a high degree of overlap with what we do.

My BMI is about 26, which technically makes me just into the overweight category. At 6'3", I think that's more a reflection of the mass-use purpose of the charts, and that (even at 65) I am somewhat more muscular than common. I've flirted with dropping to 200 or even 190, but I think that's just too lean.

Here is an offer: Buy and read GCBC. If you don't feel it adds meaningful value to your knowledge base, PM me, and I will pay for it. Yeah, I am sure you can afford it, but I think you get the point. I guarantee you that especially someone like you, who knows a lot and stays fit, eats well, etc., will learn something meaningful and new. You will be surprised.

@Mitch07102 Meh...I'm set with my eating habits...and convinced of the science that I find for free on the web. I won't buy a book about it...but thanks for the offer.

The drive for me to lose weight came because I read in several places that getting closer to ideal Body mass is better for your heart....and I'm on two BP meds.

I just read Ram Dass's book "Still Here"...and he is now paralyzed because as he said - he didn't take his BP meds, and let his BMI go up. In 97 he suffered a debilitating stroke.

I won't go out that way.

Here's some scary science; for every pound of weight above your ideal Body mass you have to grow a hundred feet of capillaries, and a few feet of arteries and veins are added to help feed the excess tissue you've accumulated.

10 pounds = 1000 feet. 50 pounds and you have a mile more arteries, veins and capillaries than your same body at 50 pounds less.



@Robecology I am at 26.

I should add that BMI was developed to assess large groups of people. It is at best a crude and often, inaccurate tool for individuals. For example, look at any of the top-level competitors in CrossFIt, the fittest people on earth. Silly, eh?

So a well-muscled person can be overweight. A frail, weak person can be "OK." Silly, eh?

I'd need to weigh 185 to have your BMI. That's too light.

@Mitch07102 But think of the footage you'll cut down in capillaries! You'll give your heart less stress if you weigh less. 185 doesn't have to be frail....keep doing the stress-work, the resistance work and you'll come out looking lean and mean. Hunger is the factor. Let yourself be hungry once in a'll live longer!



TheDoubter Level 9 July 25, 2020

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